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1. Inscribed Triangles

2. Circumscribed Triangles

3. Properties of Triangles

3.1. Having 3 sides & 3 angles

3.2. All triangles are convex

3.3. 3 interior angles add to 180°

3.4. Measure of an exterior angle equals the sum of the measures of the two non-adjacent interior angles

3.5. The acute angles of a right triangle are complementary

4. Triangles Congruence Conditions

4.1. SSS

4.2. SAS, ASA, AAS

4.3. RHL

5. Definition

5.1. Task

5.2. Prerequisites

6. How to Identify A Triangle

6.1. Types of Triangles

6.1.1. Classify by Sides

6.1.2. Classify by Angles

6.2. Measure a Triangle

6.2.1. Perimeter

6.2.2. Area

7. Similar Triangles & Criteria

7.1. Similar by Angle-Angle

7.2. Similar Triangles by Side-Angle-Side

7.3. Similar Triangles by Side-Side-Side

8. Triangles and Applications

8.1. Triangle always keep the same shape

8.2. Triangle is the single most important shape in engineering