1. What Skills?
1.1. Landforms - What are they? Can you locate them?
1.1.1. physical features
1.1.2. mountains, deserts,lakes,rivers,Sahel, ocean, valleys, forest (rainforest/TF?), Savannah
1.2. directions
1.2.1. compass
1.2.2. latitude/longitude
1.2.3. equator
1.2.4. tropics
2. Resources
2.1. Google Earth, how to use overlay?
3. Mapping Skills
3.1. read different types of maps
3.1.1. pyhisical
3.1.2. climate
3.1.3. vegetation
3.2. where?
3.2.1. Sahara
4. Planner skills
4.1. 1.1 Sts know how to use maps, globes, and other geographic tools to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective.
4.2. 1.2 Sts develop knowledge of Earth to locate people, places, and environments.
4.2.1. New node
4.3. 2.2 Sts know how and why people define regions.
4.4. 3.2 Sts know the characteristics and distributions of physical systems of land, air, water, plants, and animals.
4.5. 4.1 Sts know the characteristics, location, distribution, and migration of human populations.
4.6. 5.1 Sts know how human actions modify the physical environment.
5. Checklist
5.1. 1) Interpret topgraphical Features
5.2. 2) Interpret climate
5.3. 3) Interpret rainfall
5.4. 4) Interpret temperature
5.5. 5) Interpret vegetation
5.6. 6) Understand scale
5.7. 7) Understand latitude
5.8. 8) Understand longitude
5.9. 9) ID key features
5.10. 10) Use keys
5.11. 11) Glossary of geo terms
5.12. 12) Google Earth
6. MYP Objectives
6.1. A) Knowledge
6.1.1. Knowing and using geography terminology in context
6.2. C) Skills
6.2.1. Technical represent info usng maps, models and diagrams including use of scale, graphs and tables Technical - uses sources such as maps, graphs, tables, atlases
6.2.2. Analytical bullet point 1
7. Assessment Criteria
7.1. Pre-test - continents, oceans, terminology - terminology connect to meaning
7.1.1. Anne's quiz
7.1.2. Flash Cards (self made)
7.2. Post-test
7.2.1. Criteria A Knowledge Know and use humanities terminology in context
7.2.2. Criteria C Skills Technical#3 and 4 + Analytical #1 - To create an 'assignment' about African country, geographical location + impacts on lifestyle - Use sources such as maps, graphs, tables, atlases (google earth), photographs, stats in a critical manner Represent info using maps, models and diagrams, including use of scale, graphs and tables analyise and interpret information from a wide range of sources
8. Learning Sequence
8.1. 1) WEEK 1 - Apply checklist skills 1-12 in a NZ context as a term. Teachers are experts in various skills. Modify final assignment (Pick an African country etc...) Teachers to make myclasses page
8.2. 2) WEEK 1 - Self assessment/reflect on the checklist back in class. What have I mastered? What do I still need to work on? Create ticlist table in a shared space with comment box to be filled in after conference with teacher.
8.3. 3) WEEKS 2-4 Teachers need to have a range of activities to continue to build on these skills - may need multiple visits especially for cheklist number 9.
8.4. 4) WEEK 4-5 Move to Africa - 12 checklist skills
8.5. 5) TASTER - Use Nat Geo. Book - Move to Africa - 4 area. what are the geographical features of Sahara, Savannah, sahel, Rainforest, Great rift valley.
8.6. 6) GO DEEPER - African assignment - students choose a region within
8.7. 7) Year 8s look at Central Otago
9. Experts!
9.1. Linda
9.1.1. Longitude and Latitude
9.2. Kathy
9.2.1. Vegetation
9.3. Carl
9.3.1. Climate (rain and temp)
9.4. Sherryl
9.4.1. Phyisical Features - mountains, rivers, lakes
9.5. Simon
9.5.1. Topographical and Scale
9.6. Anne
9.6.1. Google Earth