Death on U Street: The scene of the crime

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Death on U Street: The scene of the crime por Mind Map: Death on U Street: The scene of the crime

1. What

1.1. murder

1.1.1. gunshot

1.2. Evidence

1.2.1. Wood fragments

1.2.2. A piece of wood

2. Where

2.1. Washington

2.1.1. U Street Near the corner of 7th Street Eagle Eye Pawnshop

3. Who

3.1. Police

3.1.1. Detective Eliana Koo

3.1.2. Officer Kazuo Yokota

3.1.3. Officer Natalie Wells

3.2. Victim

3.2.1. Terrence Sweet

3.3. Eagle Eye Pawnshop staff

3.3.1. Owner Leo Mench

3.3.2. Employee William Stemper

3.4. paramedics

3.5. Witness

3.5.1. pedestrian Called 911