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Library Homepage por Mind Map: Library Homepage

1. Top Header

1.1. My Library Account

1.2. Inter-Library Loan

1.3. Maps and Directions

1.4. Hours

1.5. Circulation 207-786-6263

2. Online Resources

2.1. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

2.2. NewsPapers

2.3. Audio

2.4. Statistics and Polls

2.5. Historical Collections

2.6. more...

3. Research Services

3.1. Subject Guides

3.1.1. Psychology

3.1.2. Biology

3.1.3. Mathematics

3.1.4. History

3.1.5. Economics

3.1.6. Sociology

3.1.7. more...

3.2. Services for Thesis Writers

3.3. Citation Tools

3.3.1. Writing and Citing guides

3.3.2. RefWorks Citation Manager

3.4. How to use book reviews

3.5. Writing and Math Support

3.5.1. Peer writing center

3.5.2. Writing Specialists

3.5.3. Math and Statistics Workshop

4. Technology Services

4.1. Help Desk: 207-786-8222

4.2. Technology help Sheets

4.3. Off-campus Access

4.4. Lyceum Support

4.5. Labs and Equipment

4.5.1. Campus Labs

4.5.2. Digital Media Center

4.5.3. Imaging Center

4.5.4. Language resource Center

4.5.5. Classroom technology and Event Support (CTES)

4.5.6. Photocopiers and Microfilm

5. Search

5.1. CBB Catalog

5.2. Bates Catalog

5.3. Course Reserves

5.4. Journal Finder

5.5. Article Search

6. Footer

6.1. Suggestions

6.2. Contact

6.3. Policies

6.4. About the Library

6.5. Muskie Archives