KINARK CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES provides services and supports for high risk children and youth ...

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KINARK CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES provides services and supports for high risk children and youth with complex needs and their families. Services are provided in the areas of Child and Youth Mental Health, Autism, Forensic Mental Health/Youth Justice. por Mind Map: KINARK CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES provides services and supports for high risk children and youth with complex needs and their families. Services are provided in the areas of Child and Youth Mental Health, Autism, Forensic Mental Health/Youth Justice.

1. Equity, inclusion and awareness of cultural diversity

1.1. ​Diverse Board of Directors

1.1.1. Broad range of professional skills, knowledge and experience

1.1.2. Reflect Kinark's goal of geographic, cultural and linguistic diversity.

1.2. Parent Advisory Committee

1.2.1. Provides families with an opportunity to give feedback on programs and help Kinark better communicate with families in the CYMH and autism services.

1.2.2. Committee is made up of family members with lived experience caring for a child and/or youth with mental health issues and/or autism.

1.3. Advance youth engagement practices

1.3.1. Involve young people as partners in their own care. For example, developing treatment plans with the child or youth and the family as a whole.

1.3.2. Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health

2. Services/programs accessed

2.1. Autism Services

2.1.1. Central and East Regions Mackenzie Health Lakeridge Community Support Services Tri-County Community Support Services

2.1.2. Kinark’s Central Intake Line - 1-888-454-6275

2.2. Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) – based Services and Supports ​

2.2.1. ABA intake telephone number: York Region or Simcoe County: 1-866-377-0286  (Children’s Treatment Network)

2.2.2. ABA intake telephone number: Durham Region: 1-800-304-6180 ext. 2248 (Grandview Children’s Centre)

2.2.3. ABA intake telephone number: Four Counties (Haliburton, Kawartha Lakes, Peterborough, Northumberland): 1-888-454-6275 (Central Intake).

2.3. Community-Based Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH)

2.3.1. Central Intake: 1-888-454-6275

2.4. Forensic Mental Health /Youth Justice

2.4.1. Admission is guided by federal and/or provincial legislation. Clients are referred to these services through a court process

3. Other pertinent information

3.1. Parents for Children’s Mental Health Support Chapters (PCMH)

3.1.1. PCMH functions as support groups for family members that are raising a child and/or youth struggling with mental illness. The PCMH Chapters meet monthly and provide a space for family members to share their experiences and their strategies in a safe and accepting environment.

4. Vision and goals

4.1. The best treatment provider for children and youth with complex needs.

4.2. Influence, innovate and collaborate across child and youth mental health, autism and youth justice to make the system better.

4.3. Make Kinark a place where top talent wants to work.

4.4. Financially strong and resilient.

4.5. Be recognized for excellence in Child and Youth Mental Health, Autism and Youth Justice.

5. Services and Programs for Ontario students and families

5.1. Clinical Services

5.1.1. Community-Based Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH)

5.1.2. Autism Services Central East Autism Program (CEAP) Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) Connections for Students service School Support Program

5.1.3. Forensic Mental Health /Youth Justice Syl Apps Youth Centre Intensive Support and Supervision Program (ISSP)

5.2. Moving on Mental Health Strategy

5.3. Kinark's Outdoor Centre

5.4. Child Care​

5.5. Supervised Access Service