ICS111 Spring 2017

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ICS111 Spring 2017 por Mind Map: ICS111 Spring 2017

1. Textbook

1.1. ICS111 Just Enuf Java - availabe on Laulima under Resources

1.2. Java for Dummies (free from UH Digital Library)

1.2.1. http://proquestcombo.safaribooksonline.com.eres.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/book/programming/java/9781118417645

2. What's the class about?

2.1. Introduction to Computer Science

2.2. Overview of computer science through writing programs in Java involving graphics, sound and interaction.

2.3. Student Outcomes

2.3.1. An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory to the modeling and design of computer-based systems Finite state machines Basic geometry and trigonometry for interactive graphical applications

2.3.2. An ability to define the computing requirements of a problem and to design appropriate solutions based on established design principles and with an understanding of the tradeoffs involved in design choices Software projects Lab problems

2.3.3. An ability to use sound development principles to implement computer-based and software systems of varying complexity, and to evaluate such systems Coding standards Defensive programming Object-oriented design Deconstruct programs into separate functions Finite state machine

2.3.4. An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice Java Eclipse Gimp Audacity

2.4. Previous Projects

3. What is programming like?

3.1. http://www.thrashermagazine.com/articles/videos/magnified-jerry-gurney-062015/

4. Instructor

4.1. Jason Leigh

4.2. http://jasonleigh.me

5. TAs

5.1. Tom Knapp-Ramos

5.1.1. [email protected]

5.2. Danny Weng

5.2.1. [email protected]

5.3. Nurit Kirshenbaum

5.3.1. [email protected]

6. Class Location & Time

6.1. BIL150

6.2. Monday and Wednesday at 9:00-10:15am

6.3. https://manoa.hawaii.edu/campusmap/uhmmap.pdf

7. Lab Location & Times

7.1. Tuesdays & Thursdays in either POST 318A or 319

7.2. Nurit Kirsenbaum

7.2.1. Section 1: 9a @ POST 318A

7.2.2. Section 3: 12p @ POST 318A

7.3. Danny Weng

7.3.1. Section 5: 3p @ POST 318A

7.3.2. Section 4: 12p @ POST 319

7.4. Tom Knapp-Ramos

7.4.1. Section 2: 9a @ POST 319

8. Office Hours & Location

8.1. Jason Leigh

8.1.1. Monday and Wednesday 10:15am-11:15am

8.1.2. Keller 102

8.2. Danny Weng

8.2.1. Tuesday/ Thursday 1:30-2:30pm in Post 314-8

8.3. Thomas Knapp-ramos

8.3.1. Friday 10:30am-12:30pm in POST 303-5

8.4. Nurit Kirshenbaum

8.4.1. Tue/Thurs 10:15 - 11:30 in POST 314-9

9. Additional Assistance

9.1. Code Academy

9.2. ICS Open Labs

9.2.1. POST 318A

9.2.2. Mondays: noon-9pm Tuesdays: 6pm-9pm Wednesdays: 6pm-9pm Thursdays: 6pm-9pm Fridays: 6pm-9pm

9.3. Learning Emporium

9.3.1. Bilger Addition 209

9.3.2. Mondays: 10-noon

9.3.3. Tuesdays: 1:30 – 3:30

9.3.4. Wednesdays: 1:00 – 3:00

9.3.5. Thursdays: 1:30 – 3:30

9.3.6. Fridays: 1:00 – 3:00

10. Required Class Materials

10.1. Your own laptop

10.2. EZ Graphics

10.3. Java

10.4. Eclipse

10.5. Audacity

10.6. Gimp

10.7. Open Broadcaster Software

11. Handing In Projects, Assignments & Quizzes

11.1. Projects & assignments will be handed-in by uploading to Laulima under the ASSIGNMENT by the deadline indicated for the assignment.

11.2. Every project will have milestones with due dates for them.

11.3. Late projects and assignments accepted up to a week late but a 50% penalty will be imposed.

11.4. Only exception is the last milestone of the last project.No late work is accepted. Any late work gets zero points.

11.5. A lab assignment is considered late if the submission time is registered by Laulima as 1 minute past due date and time. No Exceptions.

11.6. Any lab subsequent RESUBMISSION of the assignment past the due date is considered a late submission even if the original submission was submitted on time.

11.7. Missed quizzes cannot be retaken.

11.8. To upload your project

11.8.1. Go to your project folder and zip everything up into a single Zip file. Make sure all sound files and images are included as well as a copy of EZ.java and all other java files you wrote.

11.8.2. Turn in this zip file in Laulima under the Assignments folder (the same place where you downloaded the assignment in the first place).

11.8.3. As for the video URL, go to the Resources Folder on Laulima. You will find a subfolder for this project in which you can add your URL.

12. The Labs

12.1. Installing and setting up Java and Eclipse

12.2. Bring your laptop to every class and every lab

12.3. Tues: Graded Lab mini-assignment (turn in at beginning of lab for points)

12.4. Thurs: Quiz, the review of Quiz answers, then help on projects.

12.5. Login into your lab account


12.6.1. No food or drink allowed in labs

12.6.2. No unplugging equipment in labs

12.6.3. Anyone caught doing it will be dismissed from lab and given ZERO points for their lab session that day.

13. What NOT to do if you miss the first week or so of class

13.1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSNc8F9tqzY

14. Grading

14.1. Projects - 25 points

14.1.1. Project 1 - 5 points Individual project

14.1.2. Project 2 - 10 points Individual project

14.1.3. Project 3 - 10 points Design your own project as a team of 3 Choose your own team members

14.1.4. Previous Projects

14.2. Lab Assignments - 28 points

14.2.1. 14 lab assignments Solving small problems by writing code Extending lecture examples Commenting code segments Tracing code segments

14.2.2. 2 points each starting 1st week of class

14.2.3. Labs are distributed on each Tuesday and due the following Tuesday at 9am.

14.3. Achievement Quizzes - 42 points

14.3.1. 14 quizzes (1 per week)

14.3.2. First quiz will be given on the 1st week of class on Thurs

14.3.3. 3 points each

14.3.4. If you miss a quiz there is no retake.

14.3.5. All quizzes are closed book. Eclipse may not be used during the quizzes.

14.4. Final Exam - 5 points

14.4.1. Take home final will be made available about a month before it's due.

14.5. Extra Credit

14.5.1. Extra credit is already built into your grade.

14.5.2. See "How to Compute Your Grade".

14.6. What if I Miss a Lab or Quiz?

14.6.1. See "How to Compute Your Grade"

14.7. How to Compute Your Grade

14.7.1. Your grade maxes out at 90 points. The 10 points are free extra credit points that is given to all of you at the beginning of class that make up for missed quizzes or labs or any other random acts of life. If your final grade is on the edge of a letter grade do not ask for any extra credit work. None will be given as you already have 10 free extra points.

14.7.2. The full grade scale is therefore as follows:

14.7.3. A+ = 90/100

14.7.4. A = 85/100

14.7.5. A- = 80/100

14.7.6. B+ = 75/100

14.7.7. B = 70/100

14.7.8. B- = 65/100

14.7.9. C+ = 60/100

14.7.10. C = 55/100

14.7.11. C- = 50/100

14.7.12. D+ = 45/100

14.7.13. D = 40/100

14.7.14. D- = 35/100

14.7.15. F = Anything below a D-