Revolutions of 1848

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Revolutions of 1848 por Mind Map: Revolutions of 1848

1. Austria

1.1. March 1848-November 1848

1.2. achieve autonomy, independence, or even hegemony over other nationalities

1.3. Hungary

1.3.1. forced the imperial governor to accept their 12 points of demands the demand for freedom of press an independent Hungarian ministry residing in Buda-Pest and responsible to a popularly elected parliament the formation of a National Guard complete civil and religious equality trial by jury a national bank a Hungarian army the withdrawal of foreign troops from Hungary the freeing of political prisoners and the union with Transylvania

1.4. Galicia

1.4.1. launched a petition to the Austrian Emperor

1.4.2. Supreme Ruthenian Council was established

2. Italy

2.1. First major outbreak: January 1848 in Siciliy

2.2. organized revolts led by intellectuals who desired a liberal government

2.3. eliminate Austrian control: desire to be free from foreign oppression and conservatism

2.4. demand a Provisional Government, separate from the government of the mainland

3. Germany

3.1. March Revolution

3.2. loosely coordinated protests and rebellions in the states of the Austrian Empire

3.3. demonstrated popular discontent with the traditional, largely autocratic political structure

3.4. Liberalism and nationalism

3.5. extensive diplomatic, military and commercial powers were to be entrusted to an Executive Body

3.5.1. concern itself with the welfare of the Confederation without direct involvement in the framing of the Constitution

4. French

4.1. sparked by the suppression of the campagne des banquets

4.2. driven by nationalist and republican ideals among the French general public

4.2.1. people should rule themselves

4.3. ended the constitutional monarchy of Louis-Philippe

4.4. creation of the French Second Republic