1.1. The reticular formation keeps you aware and alerted on your surroundings while you are driving at night.
1.2. Although it is raining hard, the reticular formation helps you stay focus on your driving.
1.3. Even though the party you attending ended really late, the reticular formation helps you with driving home safely.
2. Thalamus
2.1. The thalamus receives information and sends it to the cerebellum. This allows the cerebellum to make adjustments so you would not crash.
2.2. The car in front of you suddenly stops, the thalamus receives this information and sends it to the cerebellum. The cerebellum helps you step on the brakes so you would not crash.
2.3. The thalamus helps us park our car into parking space, by sending the information received from the sensory cortex to the cerebellum.
3. Hypothalamus
3.1. Allows you to feel the heat in the car, and adjust it to a more preferable temperature.
3.2. The hypothalamus makes you aware that you are hungry, and need to stop and get food, before continue driving.
3.3. The hypothalamus can secrete hormones that reduce tiredness when driving at night.
4. Amygdala
4.1. The amygdala causes you to have feel fear and anxiety, causing you to slow down, when a car is crashing in front of you.
4.2. The amygdala causes you to feel rage when someone cuts in front of you.
4.3. The amygdala can make you remember about a car accident you had; making you not want to drive.
5. Temporal Lobe
5.1. The auditory cortex allows you to hear an ambulance coming, so you could move out of the way.
5.2. The auditory cortex processes the sound of horns of other vehicles.
5.3. The left auditory area allows you to hear your mom, who is on your right yell at you to turn left.
6. Occipital Lobe
6.1. The visual cortex interprets the incoming visual stimuli, so we could understand where we are going.
6.2. The visual cortex allows us to see. Without the visual cortex, driving would be very dangerous.
6.3. The visual cortex processes the road signs and signals.
7. Wernicke's Area
7.1. The Wernicke's Area allows us to read and understand signs while driving.
7.2. The Wernicke's Area allows us to understand the updates about the weather from the radio.
7.3. Allows us to interpret noises from our surroundings.
8. Cerebellum
8.1. The cerebellum coordinates our hands to turn left or right using the steering wheel.
8.2. The cerebellum helps us maintain balance while driving, so are movements aren't jerky.
8.3. The cerebellum processes our procedural memories so we could remember how to drive.
9. Medulla
9.1. The medulla allows us to concentrate on driving, while regulating our breathing and heart beat.
9.2. Increases our heart rate when something unexpected happens.
9.3. The medulla would decrease your heart rate, after you pass a dangerous situation.
10. Pons
10.1. The pons help the driver stay allert.
10.2. The pons assist in the coordination of driving motions.
10.3. Any information like a green light or something appearing out of no where, would be sent to your pons then to your occipital lobes.
11. Hippocampus
11.1. The Hippocampus helps us remember the routes or shortcuts to get home.
11.2. When you are on a familiar road, and remember that there is a store like cvs up the road, the hippocampus stores it as short-term memory.
11.3. The hippocampus also helps to remind us which roads are dangerous or safe.
12. Corpus Callosum
12.1. Responsible for the eye movements, when we drive.
12.2. Both hemispheres are able to share information on motor and sensory driving.
12.3. Corpus callosum allows both the hemispheres to work together in case of an emergency. For example, if I only had my right hemisphere, I wouldn't be able to process anything on my right side, only my left.
13. Frontal Lobe
13.1. The motor cortex sends motor messages to your legs to press on the brake and accelerate pedals.
13.2. The motor cortex sends motor messages to your hands, so you would turn the wheel.
13.3. The prefrontal lobe helps in planning routes, or prepare for any dangers (car accidents).
14. Parietal Lobe
14.1. Associated with spatial processing, the parietal lobe is responsible for navigation.
14.2. Our eyes and ears are enabled by the somatosensory cortex.
14.3. Helps us determine things like if you should park a car at a certain spot.
15. Broca's Area
15.1. The Broca's Area help us plan routes to our destination.
15.2. Allows you to ask other drivers how to get to your destination.
15.3. Allows you to explain to your parents why you crashed their car.