1. My Dad He went to take a mechanical Engineering course at the college and could help with how to also take the course.
2. My Mom They are multiple part time job oppurtunities at here work and could get me a job there.
3. Computer Science Teacher: Mr. Kramer He has outside connections that Could land me a career in the progamming area.
4. Ms. Nicol She can point me to were I could find information about college and university.
5. Ms. McGarvey She can point me to were I could find information about college and university.
6. Software development companies They could tell me what the work environment is like and what they look for when hiring employees.
7. My Uncle He works at the mill here in Kelowna, and there are usally part time job oppurtonites, and would be a good job if I were to ever attend univercity or college.
8. My Friends My friend has family in several trades and he himself is going into that area. He could help getting into that area of career if I so choose.
9. UBCO Admissions They can tell me what I need for a computer science degree, and possibly what the market for jobs is like.
10. My Friends Uncle He is an IT at UBCO and could help with a potential career in that area.