Eastern Approaches to a Unified Reality

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Eastern Approaches to a Unified Reality par Mind Map: Eastern Approaches to a Unified Reality

1. Taoism

1.1. Tao

1.2. De (power,virtue, integrity)

1.3. Without Action

1.4. Pu (simplicity)

1.5. Spirituality

1.6. New node

2. Confucianism

2.1. Ren (do unto others as you would have done unto you)

2.2. Etiquette

2.3. Loyalty

2.4. Filial Piety (Five Bonds)

2.4.1. Ruler to Ruled

2.4.2. Father to Son

2.4.3. Husband to Wife

2.4.4. Elder brother to Younger brother

2.4.5. Friend to Friend

2.5. Relationships

2.6. The Gentleman

3. Buddhism

3.1. Karma

3.2. Rebirth

3.3. Four Noble Truths

3.3.1. Dukkha

3.3.2. Samudaya

3.3.3. Nirodha

3.3.4. Marga

3.4. Noble Eightfold Path

3.5. 3 Marks of Existance

3.5.1. impermanence

3.5.2. not-self

3.5.3. suffering

3.6. Middle Path

3.7. Nirvana

4. Hinduism

4.1. Devas (Gods)

4.2. Avatars

4.3. Karma

4.4. Samsara

4.5. Yoga (method to reach goal of life)

4.6. Oldest religion

4.7. Ultimate Reality