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Phase 2 Mindmap par Mind Map: Phase 2 Mindmap

1. Group 411

1.1. Marketing and Sales / Procurement of Resources

1.1.1. In the realty industry, you deal with a different customer each time you make a sale. It's not like you have a few large customers and suppliers that you constantly deal with.

1.1.2. Vanrealty is dependent on its customers to list their properties with them and they actually supply the product. It is important to have strong marketing and sales to convince customers to list with Vanrealty. As Vanrealty is based in Vancouver, with one of the most expensive real estate markets, with such limited supply our marketing and sales, along with customer service are ultimately the activites that are most important to the success of our business. There are many real estate agencies competing for minimal supply and customer service is a differentiating factor, which is invaluable for our business.

2. Group 412

2.1. Primary Activities

2.1.1. Marketing and Sales There is a decline in investing customers; therefore, there is a need to attract more sales Developing a pricing strategy will create a competitive edge among similar products from other competitors Through market research, the VAnalyst firm can identify new investing opportunities by understanding better their customer needs For VAnalyst, all the other activities stem from marketing and sales - without investments, no other operations can function.

2.1.2. Outbound Logistics:

3. Group 413

3.1. The two most important parts of the Value Chain for DataMed are in bound logistics (primary) and procurement of resources (supportive). The reason that inbound logistics is so important is because in order to treat patients and clients, DataMed needs to have the supplies necessary to treat their patients. Procurement of resources is another important part of the value chain because for medical supplies, there is not a huge market of suppliers that provide medical equipment to the clinic and DataMed needs to maintain long-term relationships with those suppliers so that they actually have resources to get and can work on reducing costs. DataMed also relies on the supplier’s ability to come up with and improve the effectiveness of new treatments. DataMed acknowledges their customers increasing awareness of health issues and through the research and development of their suppliers they can offer their customers the latest technologies and efficiencies in health care. With an increase in age of the baby boomer generation and increase in many chronic diseases (and new diseases), the trend (the source of competitive advantage) of the medical industry is to produce effective relief and treatment for these diseases.

3.2. While operations (mainly scheduling) contribute to a bulk of the revenue (reduce wait times to open up slots for more appointments), in bound logistics (the delivery of supplies and latest medical technology) serves as the foundation of the business (both to decrease the risk of medical operations and reduce cost and time for treatment). In addition, although outbound logistic and customer service are important for the long-term process of the business, they do not contribute to the core business foundation, in which case is the medical treatment. Lastly, marketing and sales is the least important since the trend is the first of contact with the health system (so people usually go to where they are most familiar with and verified the service’s competency). While clinics do want more patients to generate revenue, they usually have a very tight schedule (mainly why the Canadian government want to reduce wait times overall) therefore they can only serve a set amount of patient capacity per day.

4. Group 414

4.1. Good Foods Canada - "Buy fresh, local, and organic"

4.1.1. Inbound Logistics Maintaining balance of inventory: enough to satisfy demand but ensure there is no excess to go to waste. Maintain awareness of possible seasonal demands Maintain strong relationships with suppliers The strength of Good foods Canada is that they buy organic food directly from the local farmers so the process of acquiring raw materials is really important to keep the food as fresh as possible Because Good Foods Canada is a local small company, they will focus on how to make their product clean fresh and well-quality. That will require a good and efficient delivering and material handling process. Good Foods Canada is a grocery store, so it cannot sell stale food to customers. It would save a lot of cost of dealing with stale food if it has a well-supervised inventory control system A good raw materials warehouse will keep the products fresh and provide more chances and options for the staffs to deal with the raw materials to make them into cooked or seasoned food.

4.1.2. Customer Service Though customer service is important in all business, in a grocery there is fewer chances for staffs directly dealing with customers expect for cashiers. So less importance should be attached on customer service.

4.1.3. Operations need to have organized schedule No "assembly" needed A grocery store requires little manufacturing process for operation use. Though operation is important, it will be more important to emphasize on inbound logistics to differentiate itself from its competitors.

4.1.4. Marketing and Sales Less emphasis on market research (except for ideal store location) because organic grocery store (niche) understands its market Although staying competitive with respect to price, quality, and variety and making sure public is aware of promotions are important, there is already a traditional way of promoting and advertising which all the competitors will probably use. Advertising in a traditional is effective and not that hard.

4.1.5. Outbound logistics all in store, customers are the ones who take the products home. Don't necessarily need to ship finished goods to anyone! unless products are sold online - which is not ideal with a small organic food chain as orders would need to be delivered extremely quickly in order to ensure that food is still good. Small company can't necessarily reach a wide area No need for a separate "warehouse" for each store as food is perishable, any extra stock would be kept in back storage of each store (small amount because food can perish)

4.2. Inbound logistics is most important

5. Discussion Question: What is the most important activity in the value chain for your business? Why?

6. Group 415- City Workforce

6.1. Our key Value Proposition is to be the largest "intermediary"(between contract employees and company/business clients) We can achieve this through effective marketing of our Business values. We achieve this through marketing and selling.

7. Group 416

7.1. DataMed Medical Clinic

7.1.1. 1.) MOST IMPORTANT: Customer Service need to deal with customers and to satisfy their needs patients have expectations from doctors, doctors should be professional when interacting with patients. patients might have issues regarding to their medications to maintain a good customer relationship so that patients would come back

7.1.2. 2.) Human Resource Management Have a lot of highly skilled employees Retain these employees by providing training compensations and benefits attract other highly skilled applicants to work at the clinic Cost of employees should be a great portion of company's expense

7.1.3. 4.) Less important : Marketing attract patients

7.1.4. 3.) Procurement of Resources medical equipment should be up to date maintain a good relationship with suppliers

8. Group 417 (MoveIT)

8.1. least important

8.1.1. inbound logistics Since MoveIt is a moving company, it probably does not have any major suppliers other than the suppliers for trucks

8.2. Most important

8.2.1. Outbound Logistic Our main service is to distribute and ship goods of our customers. It is important for the logistics of this to be detailed and planned carefully (ex. scheduling) in order for operations to run smoothly. Since the demand for third-party movers' logistics is on the rise in Vancouver, having efficient outbound logistic and smooth operations will give MoveIT a competitive advantage in the market. Moveit should utilize new technology to help better organize its outbound logistics most important supporting activity Technology Development Key preposition: On-time Delivery and property safety

8.3. Customer Services is also a very important factor in the value chain

8.3.1. In order to attract more customers and keep our current customers, we need to guarantee the services are going to be on time. We also need to guarantee our customers that during the process of moving, their furniture will not be damaged.

8.3.2. As a moving company, we must be able to provide compensation if and when products we move become damaged or lost. This means there must be a way to handle customer complaints, and a guarantee/compensation packaged should be put in place.

9. Group 418- Good Foods Canada

9.1. Primary Activities

9.1.1. Inbound Logistics: most significant activity Acquire goods We are very dependent on our suppliers and their ability to provide us with what they need because we cannot keep supply on stock as back up since we sell perishable goods. Deliver goods We get food from suppliers and our customers expect our produce to be fresh when it arrives in the store. If a supplier does not provide the food on time we may end up with rotting food or food that is not fresh which means a loss in sales Material Handling and Inventory Control We need to make sure suppliers give us the correct amounts of inventory that we require because we sell perishable goods so if they give us too much of something we do not need, it will go bad on the shelves. This would turn into a loss of sales because there is only so long that perishable goods can last.

9.1.2. Operations Our industry does not assemble parts, thus it does not need any complex plant layout.

9.1.3. Outbound logistics Outbound logistics is not as important because customers come to us to buy food and then take it back to their homes themselves, our company does not take part in that process

9.1.4. Marketing and Sales Since food is a necessity, so marketing and sales ---- in other words promotions are not really important in food industry. Customers come into the store knowing what kind of food they need, and they have to have food regardless of it's brand and packaging.

9.1.5. Customer Service Customers are always important for any industry, but for the grocery retail industry their "goods" are what can differentiate them from competition and position them at a different level

9.2. Support Activities

9.2.1. Firm infrastructure Grocery retail is a well established industry and it consists of a standardized model of administration and management

9.2.2. HRM HRM is an important issue for the company, but it is not its a primary focus.

9.2.3. Technology development Technology targets some of their needs, but not their value proposition-- which relies on their products

9.2.4. Procurement of Resources The resources that are most important for Good Foods Canada are their inventories of food, meaning that inbound logistics is more significant with relation to their competitive advantage

10. Group 419

10.1. New node

10.2. Marketing and Sales is the most important aspect in our Value Chain. We believe this because business clients are very important to our company’s success. We need to understand our customer’s needs to cater to their specific employment needs. Without defined needs we wouldn’t know what to focus for our outbound and inbound logistics. Because our industry is dominated by very big defined company’s such us HR Block and Man power it is important that we market ourselves fittingly to our business clients and contract employees. We believe marketing and sales is slightly more important than customer service because customer service comes after marketing our company- without a strong marketing strategy we would have no customers to service; our City Workforce depends on its brand image and reputation(through marketing). It is also more important that Operations because without people to schedule (employee’s searching for work) and operations or an operation strategy would be irrelevant.

11. Group 420

11.1. Good Foods

11.1.1. Inbound Logistics Most important Timely Distribution of Foods and Products Anticipating changes in demand due to season, holidays and time of day Because the store sells organic foods, the store needs to ensure a standard for the products distributed

11.1.2. Operations Not as important No need to assemble any parts There isnt need for any complicated steps as we only package food

11.1.3. Technology Development Not as important Don't really need to be creative/innovative since we distribute food products which people will buy regardless since it is a necessity Begin to incorporate into the company Currently selling online

11.1.4. Outbound Logistics Not as important Providing food at reasonable prices and in a timely fashion to the customers is mostly dependent on inbound logistics

11.1.5. Customer service Not as important Not much can be done to improve products since products are purchased from supplier Handle complaints however customers cannot really return food if unhappy

11.1.6. Marketing and Sales Not as important Not many new opportunities are available to explore through market research Not much advertising other than website Indentifying the demographic and what customers are looking for

12. Group 401 (Good Foods Canada)

12.1. Most Important=Inbound Logistics

12.1.1. The business is dependent on whether the store has sufficient and efficient inventory from their suppliers. For example, the store cannot make any transactions if the products they hold have already expired or if they have sold out

12.1.2. Stores have limited shelf space so it is vital that the inbound logistics are handled well or the store may run out of room to shelf goods and since many goods are perishable, profits may be lost with expired goods

12.1.3. Without a good relationship with suppliers who are distributing to the store, goods may not come on time or on the exact date in which it is needed. Just in time inventory is essential for perishable goods

12.1.4. Since many of their products come from farmers, it is important that Good Foods Canada provide superior quality for their products. This can differentiate themselves from other competitors by having top grade products.

12.2. Not as Important

12.2.1. Outbound Logistics Customers come to the store and the chain mostly sells goods to final consumers. Therefore, the chain receives significantly more goods than it transports or sends out

12.2.2. Customer Service Customer service is crucial in staying competitive in the food industry as many consumers who buy organic foods are paying higher prices. In order for Good Foods to maintain consumer loyalty, it is important that they provide superior customer service as opposed to their competitors

12.2.3. Marketing & Sales Most of the marketing Good Foods Canada does for it's organic food store chains is through the word of mouth and loyalty of consumers. The use of online marketing and sales will help reduce costs and will help boost sales. The online site can also provide education to consumers on healthy-eating

12.2.4. Operations The company is small so many of its operations would be on a smaller scale

12.3. Good- Analysis comprehensive and contribute to the course learning material, the only fallacy is that it's not clear why other activies in the value chain is not so important? The map only give a basic description of other not so important value chain activities but don't tell why they are unimportant.

13. Group 403

13.1. The most important activity for DataMed would be the quality of the service, since it would be competing with non-private clinics. Therefore it should differentiate itself by providing a friendly, personal, and attentive environment for its customers.

13.2. The primary value chain activity would involve superior customer service, supported by effective human resource management and a well developed technological framework

13.3. Weak+ You lack the analysis why other activities are not so important as the customer services.

14. Group 406: City Workforce

14.1. 1) Customer Service

14.1.1. We are acting solely as an intermediary between the companies and the labour force, and represent an important touchpoint with the customers. City Workforce does not provide a product, but rather a service. Our value proposition is that we have the largest network and labour force database. We supply the labour force with job opportunities, and the companies with available labour. Therefore, it is crucial that we maintain a good relationship with both counterparts and provide good customer service above all to solicit ongoing business and retain a broad and loyal clientele base. The aim of our company is to match those who seek short-term employment up with a suitable job. Firms choose our company because we deliver and follow through on our value proposition. We have gained our reputation thanks to our ability to satisfy our clients. We successfully match our clients (individuals seeking short-term employment) with a suitable job. Our clientele is the most important factor in our business model, and thus being able to meet and cater to their needs is our main focus. This is why customer service is the most important element in our value chain.

14.2. 2) Outbound Logistics

14.2.1. City Workforce primarily focuses its efforts on matching and distributing employees to companies and jobs to the labourforce. Also, City Workforce stores its current list of available employees updated and ready to match to companies who need certain types of skilled labour. Because of the service aspect of the business, developing long term relationships with companies are important in its primary goal to develop high customer service. As such, outbound logistics plays a secondary and complementary role in its business activities.

14.3. Good- The explanation for why customer serviece and outbound logistics are the important activities is fine but the points are easy to find, you can improve your map by analysing why other activities are not so important.

15. Group 410

15.1. Our sales department is the most important part of the value chain

15.1.1. Without people buying our products, we won't make money

15.1.2. Even if we do not have clients that are willing to sell a house, we can still find buyers for houses listed through other realtors We can act as an intermediary between buyers and sellers, and work out some form of commission agreement between them

15.1.3. Marketing is included with sales Our sales come from good customer relations, and while marketing does bring customers, marketing does not close sales

15.2. Customer service in the example provided in class is not really a post sale action, it is an earlier step within our value chain

15.2.1. Customer service facilitates a sale, and while it may be helpful to have post sale, it is more important presale to encourage a buyer to purchase a home

15.3. Inbound logistics: a supply of houses is helpful to our business model, but is not necessary as we can act as intermediaries for other buyers and sellers

15.3.1. Purchasing or obtaining ownership of houses may be useful to our model, and promoting these supplies will lead to sales

15.4. Outbound logistics: people who buy our houses are looking for a house, and because houses are somewhat of a homogeneous product, our customer service is most vital rather than the actual demand

15.5. Adequate Your content is fine, but the reasoning is a little weak, you may improve the logic and make it clearer.

16. Group 402

16.1. MoveIT

16.1.1. Primary Activity - Technology Development is the most important Company currently uses traditional paper based file system & has its information stored using this system. This can clearly be improved by addressing the "technology development" aspect of the company Because the industry faces high demand from students and immigrants,having a good relationship with R&D management to manage high flows of information is vital to staying on top of things Students are tech-oriented people, they will prefer accessing their information online or through some other technological medium There is a high threat of potential new entrants into the market, so it is important to stay more technologically creative and innovative (in handling customer information) to stay ahead of the game In terms of efficiency (in delivery and responding to customer needs), it only makes sense to address this issue to increase customer satisfaction Switching to computer based management of information, would help reduce expenses (paper costs, labor costs in handling/keeping track of files/records) It helps the company in a "non-tech" way as well. Being technologically advanced would encourage creativity and innovation in the overall work environment for MoveIT. Customer information stored in some form of a computerized system can enable MoveIT to "play" with the data. With customer data stored on a tech-platform (rather than in filing cabinets), spreadsheets, graphs and models can be drawn to analyze and predict consumer behaviour

16.1.2. Others (Relatively Less of a Concern) Marketing & Sales - If the technological aspect is properly addressed, MoveIT can enhance its value proposition with the addition of the company being a very technologically (21st Century) sophisticated company, and can quickly cater to customer needs. Such a distinction from competitors could attract many customers (especially from young students as they tend to be tagged as the "tech-savvy" group. This could potentially translate to an increase in sales for MoveIT Administrative Coordination & Support Services (Firm infrastructure) - The issue that technology development tackles is directly related to this aspect of MoveIT. Implementing a proper technological framework in handling and processing customer data ties very well with the integration of all activities in the value chain Administrative Coordination & Support Services are concerned with TIMELY & ACCURATE information for management. By establishing a computerized system of handling customer data, handling of such information for management will be much more timely and way more accurate. So, in other words, the technology development aspect takes care of this issue Inbound logistics MoveIT requires limited materials to start business. Only some trucks and handling tools are enough. They also don't have a lot of inventories to handle and control.

16.2. Adequate- Technology development is a supportive activity rather than a primary activity in the value chain. Altough you've written a lot of descriptions, they can be easily found and are not well organized.

17. Group 408

17.1. Marketing and Sales

17.1.1. Our firm is a service company in a perfectly competitive market.

17.1.2. to differentiate our service with the competitors!

17.1.3. branding! paint our trucks in a unique style: more colorful.

17.1.4. distribute name cards / brochures in restaurants, embassy, in their language.

17.1.5. Targeted customers immigrants: provide services in different languages "korean, chinese, hindi, japanese, filipino", which can be done by hiring bilingual employees. websites in different languages too. students: offer partnership with some storages, help build furniture, group discounts for students moving out of dorms.

17.2. Service

17.2.1. it's important because that's the product that we're offering.

17.2.2. our business is reputation-based.

17.2.3. --> in order to maintain the relationship with the customers, the quality of service must be kept in high standard. --> we should provide sufficient training to our employees especially in the customer service area.

17.3. Adequate- Your map is like a working sheet, not a summary of your conclusion, more details should be added and a clearer structure is needed. You may also improve the map by analyzing why other activities are not so important in your company.

18. Group 409

18.1. DataMed delivers superior quality services hassel-free and creates a warm, friendly environment for patients. Through this, the firm hopes to maintain its client base and attract new patients.

18.1.1. Human Resource Management 1 To effectively recruit experienced and skillful doctors, receptionists and other employees Hire employees with strengths and skills most needed in the clinic

18.1.2. Marketing and Sales 2 Establish close relationships with patients to attract their immediate and even extended family to DataMed Educate health awareness, promote and encourage patients to do regular checkups, twice a year etc. Identify what the patients' need and expectations are

18.1.3. Operations 3 Make the appointment process more efficient and to avoid empty slots and reduce wait time.

18.1.4. Customer Service 4 Check up on the patient regularly to ensure the patients are satisfied with the service. Collect feedback from patients

18.1.5. Procurement of Resources 5 Have a system that keeps track of inventory of medical supplies in the clinic Ensure that suppliers will continue to supply the medical equipment when needed

18.1.6. Adequate- First, it is not very clear which one is the most important. Second, you should explain why it is important or not instead of giving a description what it is.

19. Group 405

19.1. Most important : Customer Service

19.1.1. Because of the current economic situation, there is not much a problem finding customers. Our priority is to make sure that they continue to use our services and find the workers that best fit their requirements through our company. Customer Service includes improving the satisfaction and efficiency of our services. In order to do this, there are a variety of strategies that we can utilize to improve the quality of service we provide, such as improving our technology. By integrating our systems with our clients, we can synchronize the employment process and reduce costs and time spent for both our company and our clients. This will help ensure long-term relationships and greater customer satisfaction.

19.1.2. It was a close tie between Customer Service and Marketing and Sales. Our group chose Customer Service over Marketing and Sales because City Workforce provides a service that not many other companies provide. The market share is not a problem, and there are not that many companies battling for more customers. We felt that it was more important for City Workforce to focus on satisfying their current customers and making sure that their needs are met to the best of our ability in order to develop better long-term relationships.

19.2. Least important : Inbound Logistics

19.2.1. City WorkForce offers services that finds employment for customers. We do not have a specific product therefore we do not need transportation logstics etc.]

19.3. Adequate The explanation for customer service is fine. You need more explanation for why other activities are not important in your company.

20. Group 407

20.1. Not Most Important: Inbound logistics

20.1.1. Good Foods Canada values fresh food at reasonable prices. This means that it is important that suppliers (farmers) are able to deliver the food quickly, efficiently, and at a low price. In order to provide our customers with low prices, we need to take advantage of Economies of Scale, packaging, quick delivery, and monitoring farmers.

20.2. Not Most Important: Marketing

20.2.1. For Good Foods Canada, most of the marketing is done online, through word of mouth and convenience.

20.3. Not Most Important: Outbound Logistics

20.3.1. As long as suppliers to Good Foods Canada are able to provide fresh food and low prices, then the outbound logistics portion (quick delivery) of our company is important, but not the most important for it does not directly address Good Foods Canada's value proposition

20.4. Not Most Important: Customer Service

20.4.1. For Good Foods Canada, there is no need for replacement parts nor repair services. In fact, handling complaints will not be of much difficulty for our company because it not involve warranties and guarantee policies

20.5. Not Most Important: Operations

20.5.1. For Good Foods Canada, it is a small company, so scheduling, work-flow design and inventory management is not going to have a huge impact on the overall operations of the store

20.6. Adequate 73% You've made a mistake for there is no important activities in the map, but I believe outbound logistics is that one for it is highlighted but the titile is "Not Most important". Your reasoning is weak, for example, "it does not directly address value proposition" " it not involve warranties and gurantee policies", what's your value proposition? Why it not involve warranties?"

21. GROUP 404

21.1. we did a quality map, but it disappeared cuz of backspace.. , some one pressed..

21.1.1. *because of questionable website formatting true story.

21.2. Marketing and Sales; as a fledgling investment firm it is essential to build up a clientele

21.3. 1) Operations and Management IT

21.3.1. Forecasting The ability to accurately forecast the stock market is the underlying benchmark upon which VAnalyst will be judged as a firm

21.3.2. Monitoring

21.3.3. Input Current supply of stocks, bonds and commodities

21.3.4. Transformation Market analysis by IT + statistical data

21.3.5. Outut Returns or loss on investments

21.4. Customer service

21.4.1. retaining customer relationship creates longterm trading between, firm, investor and market

21.5. Weak- The map is like a working sheet not a summary of your goup's discussion.

22. New node