Stand Up For What You Want

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Stand Up For What You Want par Mind Map: Stand Up For What You Want

1. Painting that relates to theme

1.1. Who painted it? (be sure to include the picture)

1.2. When was it painted?

1.3. What was going on in the world when it was painted?

1.4. What was going on in the painters life? (if info can be found)

1.5. How does it connect to the theme?

2. Theme in Lamb to the Slaughter

2.1. The wife was basicially a slave to her husband

2.2. She stood up for herself by...killing him

3. History of Roald Dahl

3.1. World History

3.2. What was going on in his life

4. Theme in Jabberwocky

4.1. The jabberwocky faced it's fears

4.2. Defeated everything it was scared of

4.3. Stood up for himself, was strong.

5. History of Lewis Carroll

5.1. World History

5.2. What was going on in her life

5.3. Other stories that affected Jabberwocky