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1. to find out the structures and processes which underlie a human’s ability to produce and understand language. But above all, psycholinguistics are interested in the acquisition of language: how children acquire their mother tongue.

2. Second language acquisition teaching methods divided into:

2.1. Grammar-translation: the student memorizes words, inflected words, and syntactic rules and uses them to translate from native to target language and vice versa.

2.2. Direct method: the native language isn't used at all in the classroom, and the student must learn the new language without formal instruction.

2.3. Audio-lingual: heavy use of dialogs and audio.

2.4. Natural approach: emphasis on vocabulary and not grammar; focus on meaning, not form.

2.5. Silent way: teachers remain passive observes while students learnt, which is a process of personal growth.

2.6. Total physical response: students play active rol as listener and performer.

2.7. Suggestopedia: students always remain comfortable and relaxed and learn through memorization of meaningful text.

2.8. Community language learning: materials are developed as course progresses and teacher understands what students need and want to learn.

2.9. Community language teaching: incorporates all components of language and helps students with various learning styles.

3. is the study of the language-processing mechanisms. It is concerned with the relationship between language and the human mind.

4. Language acquisition refers to the learning and development of a person’s language.

4.1. First language acquisition (FLA) and Second language acquisition (SLA)

4.1.1. The learning of a native or first language is called first language acquisition (FLA).

4.1.2. learning of a second or foreign language is called second language acquisition (SLA).

4.2. The prelinguistic stage (babbling stage): At this stage, the earliest sounds produced by infants cannot be considered early language. The first recognizable sounds are described as cooing and the sounds and syllables that children utterer are as yet meaningless.

4.3. The one-word stage: the babbling stage gradually gives way to the earliest reocgnizable stage of language, often referred to as the one-word stage. At this stage children learn that sounds are related to meanings. Children’s one-word utteracnes are also called "holophrastic sentences".

4.4. The two-word stage: in general, the two-word stage begins roughly in the second half of the child’s second year. At first, these utterances apepar to be strings of two holophrastic utterances.

4.5. Telegraphic speech: Because of their resemblance to the style of language found in telegrams, utterances at this acquisition stage are often referred to as telegraphic speech.