The 21st Century Learner

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The 21st Century Learner par Mind Map: The 21st Century Learner

1. Social and cross cultural skills

2. Initiative and self direction

3. Global awareness

4. Creativity and innovation

5. Critical thinking and problem solving

6. Emotional intelligence

7. Flexibility

8. Productivity and accountability

9. Leadership and responsibility

10. Empathy

11. Connected

12. Life-long learners

13. Integrity and ethics

14. Diversity and equity

15. Ecological sustainability

16. Civic literacy

17. Web 2.0

18. Information literacy

19. Technology literacy

20. Digital literacy

21. Media literacy

21.1. New node

22. Health literacy

23. Business literacy

24. Resilience

25. Confident

25.1. A

26. Actively involved