The Life Cycle of a Corpus

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The Life Cycle of a Corpus par Mind Map: The Life Cycle of a Corpus

1. Design

1.1. Composition

1.1.1. Size

1.1.2. Genres and text types

1.1.3. Timeline

1.2. Compatibility

1.2.1. Text Encoding

1.3. Annotation

1.4. Sources of texts

2. Use

2.1. Citation

2.2. Corpus tools

3. Compilation

3.1. Copyright

3.1.1. Intellectual Property

3.2. Proofreading

3.3. Digitizing

3.3.1. OCR scanning

3.4. Annotation

3.4.1. Automatic tagging

3.5. Project management

3.5.1. Time

3.5.2. Teams

4. Distribution

4.1. Online/Offline

4.2. Dedicated corpus tools

4.3. Repositories

4.4. Copyright

4.5. Commercial publishers