1. 4. Outbound call made for application / eng where payment not made
1.1. Follow up e-mail campaign to get them to join
1.2. marketing people to sell "We have john here who is a perfect match for you why not join so you can meet him"
2. 5. Where prospect pays they begin new member process, immediately after payment
2.1. Member sees client charter, ways of working document and terms and conditions at this stage - everything they need to move forward
2.1.1. this happens automatically using right signature
3. 6. New member completes new member process on line - includes self fulfilled actions below
3.1. Online Form/document affi davit - I agree to the following, here's my passport or drivers license number, (I am who I say I am) I am not a serial killer.
3.2. Client to complete online biogragraphy according to our template
3.3. Client uploads pictures of themselves
3.3.1. if they can't do that we do it for them at cost
3.3.2. They have a choice photo or no photo, we tell them photo's will get them more dates though
4. 7. CM informed when new member process complete or alerted if not complete within set timescale, approx 5 days after paying
4.1. VA to contact them if they do not complete their online bio etc
4.1.1. can this be an automated, if/then action?
5. 8. CM signs off new member process - checking documentation, photo legible, photo clear
5.1. VA to do this, VA to check BIO check pictures
5.2. member is held inactive - pending until they are OK'd
6. 9. Member sent notification via email text that membership now commencing and next steps
6.1. Text and e-mail when we have their first introduction for them
6.2. Details of what to do once we introduce them
7. 10. CM new member status changed to reflect now validated and ready for introductions
7.1. VA job
7.2. what happens if they are on holidays, how do we make them update their own online availaiblity
8. 11. CM work on introductions once identified an alert sent to each member via text to pick up introduction information via portal - account online
8.1. they log into the system to see the BIO of the potential introduction
8.1.1. it's a given that this is their introduction they do not have a choice, if they choose not to meet then the responsibility is there's to tell.
8.1.2. System tells us if they do not log in and auto reminds them to log in
9. 12. Members logs in and picks up information re introduction, their bio with contact telephone number shown
9.1. New node
10. 13. Member prompted to feedback 7 days after introduction made via text message. They then feedback via secure personal portal, an account on;ine or by text message
10.1. e-mail sent to them with 3 options to click, Yes met up (meeting again), Yes Met up (not interested), No haven't met yet
10.1.1. No haven't met - VA to contact them and find out
10.1.2. New node
11. 14. Feeback number drives status change for member so CM are aware of status and where needing another intro
11.1. based on their meeting they update their own status.
11.1.1. we make sure they know if they do not update their status they miss out, as only 1 intro at a time
12. 15. If no feedback after day 10 another text message is sent to both to prompt to feedback
12.1. New node
13. 16. CM - receives prompt of status changes, when available for another intro can see membership type and frequency of introductions bought, date next one due to deliver to membership package
14. 1. Prospect completes application online
14.1. need the application to integrate the personality profiler answers.
14.1.1. new questions integrating into the CRM (these questions become the match questions) A V.A then does a match and introduction. Part of our USP which is "Personal Service" Not an anonymous cold algorithm matching you.
15. 2. CM alterted of application
16. 3. Prospect pays membership fee on line BEFORE match maker gets involved, pay AFTER they do the personality profiler.
16.1. Credit card used to bill them
16.1.1. no min commitment recurring billing
16.2. Test how many intro's we need to make, 2 - 4 Per month
16.2.1. VA to do all the introductions