LRC Sample Tim
1. Legend
1.1. Priority Importance indicators
1.1.1. High Priority
1.1.2. Medium Priority
1.1.3. Low Priority
1.2. Task Completion indicators
1.2.1. Not Started
1.2.2. 25% complete
1.2.3. 50% complete
1.2.4. 75% complete
1.2.5. Done
1.3. Flags and Icons
1.3.1. Flags
1.3.2. Icons
2. Action Items
2.1. Action Items let you highlight date...that can be important for tracking student progress
2.2. Use of task completion indicators can also be a good show of time; it can save space
3. Notes
3.1. I can use it to include links to language resources, such as JOSHU.
3.2. I can then keep track of who modifies the document. Students could potentially submit their mindmeister graph as proof that they cooperated.
4. Please read the attached evaluation
5. Participants
5.1. Timothy MacKenzie
5.2. LRC
6. Agenda
6.1. Use MindMeister
6.2. Use it to organize Project Notes?
6.2.1. Teachers can use it to organize data for student data (i.e. final project deadlines)
6.2.2. Teachers could use it themselves to organize homework and project data
6.3. An effective tool in collecting data
6.4. Use it in small teams?
6.4.1. Give students access to the chart so it can change
6.4.2. Let students update the list as they complete tasks, somewhat like a Google Document?