Edu on Air: Mind Mapping for Leaders

Learn how to foster a spirit of collaboration between different project members. We will cover project management; including brainstorming, tasks, collaboration and information management.

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Edu on Air: Mind Mapping for Leaders par Mind Map: Edu on Air: Mind Mapping for Leaders

1. Edu On Air Hangout with focus on school/district leaders' needs:

2. Learn how to foster a spirit of collaboration between different project members. We will cover project management; including ...

2.1. brainstorming

2.2. task management

2.3. collaboration

2.4. information management

3. What?

4. Questions & Comments

4.1. Please post any questions or comments you have here before the event

5. Support - Richard Egan (MindMeister)

6. Presenter - Thomas Thornton (MindMeister)

7. When?

7.1. Thurs, Apr 11, 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST

8. Who?

9. Where?

9.1. Google+ Hangouts - Edu on Air