Live autopsy - Dissecting User Generated Content at European Congress of Radiology

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Live autopsy - Dissecting User Generated Content at European Congress of Radiology par Mind Map: Live autopsy - Dissecting User Generated Content at European Congress of Radiology

1. on Youtube


2. The #ACIE13 Storify

3. Presented by

3.1. Benita Lipps

3.1.1. Da Vinci Institute

3.1.2. Executive Director Welcome Intro & Extro

3.2. Andreas Diesenreiter

3.2.1. European Society of Radiology

3.2.2. Creative Director

3.2.3. Analysis of European Congress of Radiology

3.3. Ruud Janssen, CMM

3.3.1. TNOC The New Objective Collective

3.3.2. Event Designer & Moderator

4. Session Design & Live Autopsy Format by Ruud Janssen | TNOC | The New Objective Collective

5. Learner outcomes

5.1. Harvesting user generated content to build value for event participants, speakers & sponsors

5.2. Analysing the most common problems encountered and tips to resolve them

5.3. Use of a clear strategy

5.4. Setting Objectives in user adoption of social media channels of choice

6. Live Autopsy

6.1. The User Generated Content

6.1.1. #ECR12 scandal

6.1.2. Pin to WIn

6.1.3. International Day of Radiology

6.1.4. ECR Live & Social Media Walls

6.1.5. Photo Competition

6.1.6. #RADxMas2012

6.1.7. Dr. Pepe

6.2. Palette Cleansers

6.3. The video recording of the session on Youtube

7. Hypotheses

7.1. User Generated Content creates value for all stakeholders at events