Learning foreign culture is good experience.

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Learning foreign culture is good experience. par Mind Map: Learning foreign culture is good experience.

1. Introduce our Korea's culture.

1.1. teagondo

1.1.1. I performed it

1.2. traditional dance

1.3. Delicious food

1.4. superb language: Korean

2. Making friends

2.1. communicate with foreign people and share own thought.

2.2. learn relationship regardless of region, gender, age, color.

2.3. able to think more widely

2.4. able to understand other's thinking

3. around me

3.1. lots of people want to ..

4. share ideas

4.1. about religion

4.2. about policy in thier contries

5. enjoying beautiful environment

5.1. can see scenic spots and places of historic interest

5.2. knowing historic interest helps to understand the world history

6. New node

7. New node

8. New node

9. Learn

9.1. learning language

9.1.1. They all use different language. It is possible to learn language.

9.2. learning the way people live

9.2.1. they are totally different from ours in turkey women need to wear smth on their head. l

9.3. learing their culture

9.3.1. ex) they do use left hand at all

9.3.2. ex) their own etiquette

9.4. history

9.4.1. ex) my experience- In turkey I was able to know about the Crusades.

10. My experience. intro

10.1. Austraila-2006

10.1.1. to study language

10.2. Turkey-2007

10.2.1. Missionary work

10.3. Iran-2007

10.3.1. Missionary work

10.4. China-2008

10.4.1. to study language: Chinese

10.5. Bangladesh-2009

10.5.1. volunteer service

10.6. America-2009

10.6.1. an exchange student , to learn western culture and English.

11. Advantage

11.1. leadership

11.2. self-conscious

11.3. freindship

11.4. responsibility

11.5. relize the wide world

11.6. self-confidence

12. New node

13. New node

14. New node

15. New node

16. New node

17. New node

18. New node

19. New node

20. New node