Time Management 101:Common Time Wasters JD Williams Personal Development www.jdwpd.com

This map contains key Time Management reminders, reinforcements, and revelations that will increase your focus and help you achieve your goals.

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Time Management 101:Common Time Wasters JD Williams Personal Development www.jdwpd.com par Mind Map: Time Management 101:Common Time Wasters JD Williams Personal Development www.jdwpd.com

1. Dealing with long winded people

1.1. long winded coworkers

1.2. long winded callers

2. Tracking

2.1. looking for misplaced information

2.2. playing phone tag

2.3. tracking down people in the office

3. Overdoing things

3.1. perfectionism

3.2. doing redundant tasks

3.3. long emails

3.4. fixing mistakes from poor planning

4. Handling excessive paperwork

5. Dealing with technology inefficiencies

5.1. handling excessive email

5.2. excessive instant messaging

5.3. broken equipment

5.4. slow computer

5.5. surfing web

5.6. passwords

6. Get Time Management Training & Coaching

7. Fixing miscommunications

7.1. retraining people

8. Attending inefficient meetings

8.1. too many meetings

8.2. waiting for late people

9. Handling interruptions

9.1. blurting out every thought

9.2. taking wrong calls

10. Goofing off

10.1. personal calls

10.2. tv

10.3. gossip

10.4. long lunch breaks

10.5. smoke breaks

10.6. excessive socializing