Past Continuous

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Past Continuous par Mind Map: Past Continuous

1. Integrantes

1.1. Mattos Arapa Jean Pier

1.2. Caceres Alvarez Raul

2. bbnbnbn

3. Form

3.1. Affirmative

3.1.1. Use was/were followed by the verb+ ing We were drinking coffee.

3.2. Negative

3.2.1. Use was not/were not followed by the verb+ ing We weren't drinking coffee.

3.3. Interrogative

3.3.1. Use was/were + subject/pronoun + verb+ ing Were you drinking coffee?

4. Use

4.1. We use the past continous to say what was happening around a past time.

4.1.1. before

4.1.2. at

4.1.3. after

5. yjgjgjgh