Social Media Club is a Practical Internship in Social Media Best Practices

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Social Media Club is a Practical Internship in Social Media Best Practices par Mind Map: Social Media Club is a Practical Internship in Social Media Best Practices

1. Monthly hands-on practice

1.1. Leadership

1.2. Event organizing

1.3. Event promotion

2. Proof of Concept

2.1. Buy-in

2.1.1. What can you accomplish when all the leaders buy in to the usefulness of social media?

2.1.2. What if EVERYBODY in the organization believed in social media?

2.1.3. Social Media Club is the place to put buy-in to the test. How much can you achieve?

2.2. What works and what doesn't?

2.3. How much can you accomplish with a small or no budget?

2.4. What are others doing that works for them?

3. We have a mission

3.1. Media Literacy

3.2. Sharing Lessons Learned

3.3. Encourage Adoption of Industry Standards

3.4. Promote Ethical Behavior

4. Fellowship

4.1. Media professionals

4.2. Social media professionals

4.3. Others who are entering the field

5. Learning

5.1. Learn from others in the field

5.2. Learn from guest speakers