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Group 5 par Mind Map: Group 5

1. Recognitions

1.1. Blood Drive (ST)

1.1.1. School district was recognized for a successful blood drive. (ST)

1.1.2. Blood was used for obvious reason, as well as a new program. Blood was screened for possible abnormalities like, high cholesterol. Donors were then informed of this (I guess). There must have been some sort of privacy form, which was filled out before the donor donated. (ST)

1.2. Principal Sims (ST)

1.2.1. School was named a distinguished school in state of FL. Only 8 out of 1801 schools have received this recognition. (ST)

1.2.2. The board member who was recognizing the school commended Principal Sims for her persistence in the face of adversity. She was referenced as a "true leader". (ST)

1.3. Local Dentists (ST)

1.3.1. A group of local dentists were recognized for providing services to kids who couldn't have afforded it otherwise. (ST)

2. Fundraising

2.1. Deputy Superintendent"s report

2.1.1. A variety of problems arose with schools raising funds during the school day

2.1.2. Fundraising efforts cannot violate board policies

2.1.3. Students cannot be denied entry into school activities due to an inability for that student to raise funds

2.1.4. No fundraising during the school day

2.1.5. However, If a school spirit activity is held after school, you can then charge for entry to the event, since it is on the students time!

3. Community Action Report

3.1. Centers in Community (kv)

3.1.1. Board member read through the report of community involvement in the center (kv)

3.1.2. Community center has helped a large number of familties in the community (kv)

3.1.3. There is a disability advisory board (kv)

3.1.4. Students with disabilities are the ones who participate most in the community center (kv)

3.1.5. The community centers assist with post-secondary goals as well as GED preparation (kv)

3.1.6. The commuity centers focus on assisting families of low income, assist in strengthening the family, and improve academic achievement of students (kv)

3.1.7. The board is influenced by the impact of the Community Center on the district. The center is actively involved in the lives of students and has a positive impact on their families. This impact is important when the board makes decisions about the centers. (kv)

3.1.8. The behavior by the board is ethical because it is allowing students access to what the school and community has to offer equally. No student is being denied due to race, color, disability, gender ir national origin. (kv)

3.1.9. The leadership in the district is able to see the impact of the centers, document the changes that are taking place, and see that the centers are using best practices in order to make a diiference. The leaders in the community are then able to use teh results of the community center to create a culture of learning and teaching in the school and increase the involvement all the stakeholders in the whole learning process. (kv)

4. Orange County Public Schools (KV)

4.1. Board of Education members (kv)

4.2. Bill Sublette- Chairman (kv)

4.3. Daryl Flynn- Vice Chair- Dsitrict 2 (kv)

4.4. Joie Cadle- Dsitrict 1(kv)

4.5. Rick Roach- District 3 (kv)

4.6. Vicky Bell- District 4 (kv)

4.7. Kathleen Gordon- District 5 (kv)

4.8. Christine Moore- District 7 (kv)

4.9. Nancy Robbinson- District 6 (kv)

4.10. Ronald Blocker- Superintendent (kv)

5. Transportation Audit/Notes

5.1. Mr. Eugene, Head of Transportation (ca)

5.2. Reorganize Department in order to save money.(ca)

5.3. 4 Categories:(ca)

5.4. Financial (ca)

5.5. Technology (ca)

5.6. Operations (ca)

5.7. HR (ST)

5.8. Most of these decisions seemed to be based on Economic factors and not Philosophical, Social or Political views. What is the bottom line! (ca)

6. 16.01- Capacity issues/ And new development

6.1. Contractor seeking Board approval to build a new development that will eventually impact 3 schools. (ca)

6.2. was noted that a move like this was done before and would be good for the local economy (jobs). This was obviously influenced by past events as well as social and economic factors taking place. (ca)

6.3. 3 Schools that will be affected: Hangerford Elementary School (no major student population increase), Lee Middle School (Will possibly be affected by overcrowded classrooms, However there are 20 portables on sight) Edgewater High School will also have no major student population issues). (ca)

6.4. School Board vote is 7-1 in favor of allowing developer to build. The lone nay vote was cast by the Chair of the board citing overcrowded classrooms as a major concern. (ca)

6.5. Portables, What are they? Think large trailers(i.e. mobile homes, trailer parks, a large POD.) where classes are taught to ease the size of classrooms, there are definate positives and negatives to these types of classrooms. Side note: Portables are not supposed to be included when taking into account the student population of a school, this was brought up in the Board Meeting.(ca)