Cold water surfing

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Cold water surfing par Mind Map: Cold water surfing

1. Preparation

1.1. Training

1.2. Warming up the body

1.3. Drives to coast

1.4. Special food

1.5. Waxing board

1.6. Get changed

1.7. Checking weather

2. While surfing

2.1. "Power hour"

2.1.1. Breaks?

2.1.2. Keep moving?

2.2. Techniques

3. Community

3.1. Residents

3.1.1. Etiquette of surfers 14 points

3.2. Larvik municipality

3.2.1. Bird conflict Chronology Regulation Other surfing areas? Ornithologists

3.3. Surfer colleagues (Saltstein Surfklubb)

3.3.1. Post-surf sessions Rubbish

3.4. Trends

3.4.1. Pros and cons? (Impact) Budding tourism

3.4.2. Why Norway

3.4.3. Why Saltstein

3.4.4. Why cold water

4. Technical aspect

4.1. Physical challenges

4.1.1. Endurance to surf

4.1.2. Withstanding the cold

4.1.3. Maintain body temp

4.2. Wet suits

4.2.1. Trying it on

4.2.2. New business

4.3. Difference between equipment of normal and cold surfing

4.4. "50% equipment, 50% attitude"