Research question: In what ways can learning to use the Corpus of Contemporary American English i...

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Research question: In what ways can learning to use the Corpus of Contemporary American English improve first-year ESL college student awareness and use of collocations in academic writing? par Mind Map: Research question: In what ways can learning to use the Corpus of Contemporary American English improve first-year ESL college student awareness and use of collocations in academic writing?

1. Materials development

1.1. What is a collocation?

1.2. What can I find out in COCA?

1.2.1. Case-study findings from COCA w/screencasts

1.3. How will I use my findings?

2. Students: How will I use my findings?

2.1. Homework Schedule

2.2. Recording findings

2.2.1. Sample Wiki entries

2.2.2. A class collo-wiki

2.3. Editing my writing

3. Students: What can I find out in COCA?

3.1. Class activities

3.2. Online activitites

4. Data collection

4.1. See CTools data collection chart

4.2. 4 kinds of data

4.2.1. COCA Findings on the class collo-Wiki [GoogleDocs space]

4.2.2. Student writing

4.2.3. Surveys & focus groups

5. Students: What is a collocation?

5.1. Class activities

5.2. Online activities