Chapter 4 : Identifying attributes of strategic resources

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Chapter 4 : Identifying attributes of strategic resources par Mind Map: Chapter 4 : Identifying attributes of strategic resources

1. Combination resources

1.1. Innovative combination

1.1.1. Financial

1.1.2. Human

1.1.3. Operating

1.2. New value delivered

2. Resource - Based view theory of firm

2.1. Access, mobilize, deploy resources before they can generate strategic resources for firm growth

2.2. Business performance + growth - firm has valuable resources

3. Attributes strategic entrepreneurship

3.1. 1. Valuable resources

3.1.1. Help organisation implement its strategy effectively in SWOT

3.1.2. Useful for venture's operation

3.1.3. Example : property, people, equipment

3.2. 2. Rare resources

3.2.1. Unique and valuable resource gives a firm source of competitive advantage

3.2.2. Not wide available to all competitors

3.2.3. Example : good location

3.3. 3. Imperfectly imitable (hard to copy)

3.4. 4. Non-substitutable

3.4.1. No replaced by common resources

4. Definition

4.1. Useful

4.2. Tangible

4.3. Intangible

4.4. Semi permanent

4.5. Property based

5. Type of resources

5.1. Financial resources

5.1.1. Take form/ready converted to cash

5.1.2. example : loans, cash in hand

5.2. Human Resources

5.2.1. People/efforts/knowledge/skills/insight

5.2.2. example : productive labour

5.3. Operating resources

5.3.1. Do jobs and used by business to deliver its outputs to marketplace

5.3.2. Example : premises, motor vehicles

6. RVB

6.1. Valuable

6.2. Rare

6.3. Hard to copy

6.4. Non-substitutable

7. Strategic resources vs. Common resources

7.1. Strategic resources

7.1.1. Create competitive advantage

7.1.2. Distinction between strategic and non-strategic

7.2. Common resources

7.2.1. Carry out the firm's usual activities

7.2.2. No advantage (specific)

7.2.3. Prevent formulation and implement of valuable strategies due to poor quality