1. Logical Reasoning
1.1. In Classroom Examples:
1.1.1. Planning an assessment and deciding how many lessons it will take until the students are ready to take it
1.1.2. Writing the homework assignment down on the whiteboard and on my Google Classroom each day so that students know what and when assignments are do, to reduce any missed or late submissions
1.1.3. Scheduling 2 periods of math class each day because I know I will not finish teaching my in-depth lessons in one class period
1.2. Out of the Classroom Examples:
1.2.1. Scheduling an appointment and deciding what time I need to leave in order to get there on time
1.2.2. Filling up my gas tank every Sunday because I know I would run out of gas on a day I need to drive to work, which could end up make me late one morning
1.2.3. I leave a bit earlier on snowy days, or bad weather days, because I drive slower in those conditions and I don't want to crash my car and or be late to where I am going
2. Abstraction
2.1. In Classroom Examples:
2.1.1. Reading directions for my students and explaining exactly what they are supposed to do on an assignment
2.1.2. Clearly listing simple, straightforward, classroom expectations on a bulletin board in my classroom
2.1.3. Teaching my students to highlight/underline the essential, important parts of word problems, that give us the information we need to figure out the answer.
2.2. Out of the Classroom Examples:
2.2.1. Prioritizing my school work over hobbies to ensure that I get my assignments and lesson plans done on time in order to reduce my stress level on the weekends!
2.2.2. I put my bills on auto-pay so that I don't need to remember to write out checks every single month
2.2.3. I use coupons and watch for sales at the store so that I don't have to pay as much money every time I go shopping
3. Organizing Data
3.1. In Classroom Examples:
3.1.1. Recording students diagnostic scores on Google Sheets
3.1.2. Collecting student work in organizational bins, based on subject, once those assignments are completed
3.1.3. Entering student's grades in Powerschool for easy teacher and parent reference
3.2. Out of the Classroom Examples:
3.2.1. Recording all charges and credits that affect my bank account, especially after writing out a check
3.2.2. Keeping track of my loan payments and when the payments are due so that I don't have to pay any late fees
3.2.3. Keeping labeled folders and files of all my important documents so I know where to access them in the future
4. Created By: Marlaina Riegel 09/21/2022
5. Evaluation
5.1. In Classroom Examples
5.1.1. Creating answer keys for student assessments and scoring students work accordingly
5.1.2. Self reflecting after lessons to see what went well and what I should work on fixing for next time
5.1.3. Supervisor or mentor observations with credible feedback and constructive critisism
5.2. Out of the Classroom Examples
5.2.1. Studying and taking my driver's license exam to pass and then being able to drive a car
5.2.2. Getting my car inspected every year to make sure I am taking care of it properly
5.2.3. Getting check-up's at the doctor to make sure I am taking care of my body and health
6. Decomposition
6.1. In Classroom Examples:
6.1.1. Must Do/May Do student lists for them to work at own pace
6.1.2. Recording and breaking down student assessment data for group placement
6.1.3. Recording students grades in PowerSchool and looking for improvements, periodically
6.2. Out of the Classroom Examples:
6.2.1. Managing my bank accounts and spending money by checking my credit card balance regularly
6.2.2. Watching, each week, to see how much food my pets eat, and deciding when it is time to buy more food for them
6.2.3. Designating Wednesdays as homework days and Thursdays as weekly lesson planning days, for time management purposes
7. Design Algorithms
7.1. In Classroom Examples:
7.1.1. Writing daily schedule on the board
7.1.2. Weekly lesson planning
7.1.3. Students push in chairs when leaving seats and line up to walk in the hallways
7.1.4. Making work checklists for students
7.2. Out of the Classroom Examples
7.2.1. Brushing teeth every morning and night, night time routine
7.2.2. Packing lunch and picking out outfit for the next day
7.2.3. Using recipes to make dinner
8. Identifying patterns and generalization
8.1. In Classroom Examples:
8.1.1. Being able to recognize students behaviors over time to create effective seating charts
8.1.2. Adjusting my lessons when I notice students aren't quite grasping the concepts as I intended them to
8.1.3. Observing trends in student data that could point out irregularities with some students scores
8.2. Out of the Classroom Examples:
8.2.1. Being able to identify irregular patterns within my own, or my family's, health and deciding when to see a doctor
8.2.2. Resetting my mileage tracker on my car every time I fill the gas tank to see how many miles I drive per fill-up
8.2.3. Watching for trends and patterns when buying or selling stock