The Four Pillars of the Catholic Church

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The Four Pillars of the Catholic Church da Mind Map: The Four Pillars of the Catholic Church

1. The Creed: The Creed summarises all the basic teachings of Jesus about God and how to be friends of God today.

1.1. I believe in God

1.1.1. There is one God

1.1.2. God is a Trinity - The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit

1.2. the Father almighty,

1.2.1. God is all–powerful: there is no power greater than God.

1.2.2. God can help people with every need and problem, but only in ways that are good.

1.3. creator of heaven and earth.

1.3.1. God has created everything that exists – the earth – the sun, moon and stars – heaven – angels.

1.4. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.

1.4.1. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity.

1.4.2. Jesus came to teach people about God, to give them spiritual gifts to help them live as he taught, and to pray.

1.5. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.

1.5.1. Jesus was born, was a baby and a child before growing up to become an adult.

1.5.2. Jesus is fully human as well as Son of God.

1.5.3. Jesus knows what it is to experience joy and sorrow, physical pain, suffering, disappointment and loneliness, like every human being.

1.6. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was cruciified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell.

1.6.1. Jesus suffered pain and death, and was buried.

1.7. On the third day he rose again.

1.7.1. Jesus rose again from the dead on the Third Day.

1.8. He ascended into heaven and is seated the right hand of the Father.

1.8.1. Forty days after rising from the dead, Jesus at returned to heaven to be fully with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.

1.9. He will come again

1.9.1. Jesus will return again at the end of the world in great triumph to destroy all evil, death and suffering in the world.

1.10. to judge the living and the dead.

1.10.1. Jesus will reveal to all the good and the wrong done by every human being.

1.10.2. After Jesus has destroyed all evil at the end of the world, there will be only love and goodness.

1.11. I believe in the Holy Spirit,

1.11.1. The Holy Spirit will help followers of Jesus just as the Spirit helped Mary and John the Baptist.

1.11.2. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity.

1.12. the holy catholic Church,

1.12.1. People become members of God’s family through the Sacrament of Baptism, when God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ‘make a home’ in them.

1.12.2. Jesus is present whenever members of his Church gather together.

1.12.3. Jesus wants every human being on earth to draw closer to God through the Church.

1.13. The communion of saints,

1.13.1. The saints are members of the Church.

1.14. the forgiveness of sins,

1.14.1. God forgives original sin through Baptism.

1.14.2. Jesus forgives sins in the Sacrament of Penance.

1.15. the resurrection of the body,

1.15.1. Jesus will raise our bodies from the dead when he returns, just as he himself rose from the dead.

1.16. and the life everlasting. Amen.

1.16.1. Jesus will take all good people to heaven

2. The Lord's Prayer: Jesus taught his followers the Lord’s Prayer so that they would know the prayer intentions and attitudes that most please God the Father.

2.1. Our Father,

2.1.1. We are the children of God.

2.1.2. God the Father loves each person more than any human mother or father ever could.

2.2. who art in heaven,

2.2.1. God the Father lives in heaven.

2.2.2. God the Father wants all people to go to heaven when they die.

2.3. hallowed be thy name;

2.3.1. May all people learn to praise God for everything that is good in their lives and the whole of creation.

2.4. thy kingdom come;

2.4.1. May all people seek God’s power to become more loving and good.

2.5. thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

2.5.1. May all people live and behave as God wants.

2.6. Give us this day our daily bread;

2.6.1. May all people have food and everything else that they need for life.

2.7. and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us;

2.7.1. May people ask God’s forgiveness whenever they sin, especially through Reconciliation.

2.7.2. May people forgive everyone who hurts or offends them, just as Jesus did.

2.8. and lead us not into temptation,

2.8.1. May God give people the strength they need to resist every temptation to do wrong.

2.9. but deliver us from evil.

2.9.1. May God free all people from everything harmful.

3. The Sacraments: Jesus gives his followers the inner power and strength to live as God’s friends by living as he taught through the seven sacraments. Through each sacrament, they receive special gifts, also called ‘graces’.

3.1. Baptism

3.1.1. God makes a home in the baptized person.

3.1.2. Original sin is taken away.

3.1.3. The Baptised person becomes a member of God's special family, the Church.

3.2. Confirmation

3.2.1. The Holy Spirit is received fully as the Apostles received the Holy Spirit fully at Pentecost.

3.3. Eucharist

3.3.1. Bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus offered for the sins of the world.

3.3.2. People receive Jesus in Holy Communion.

3.4. Penance

3.4.1. Jesus forgives sins.

3.4.2. Jesus makes people close friends again with God.

3.5. Matrimony (Marriage)

3.5.1. Jesus joins a couple in marriage by blessing their love in a special way.

3.6. Holy Orders

3.6.1. Bishops receive from Jesus the spiritual gifts he first gave the Apostles to lead the Church.

3.6.2. Priests receive the spiritual gifts Jesus first gave the Apostles to help bishops with their work from God.

3.7. Anointing of the Sick

3.7.1. Jesus cares for people who are sick, or who are frail because of age.

4. The Commandments of Jesus: The two Commandments of Jesus make clear the Commandments of God. Christians are changed as they draw on the power of God received through the sacraments to live the Ten Commandments as fulfilled by Jesus.

4.1. Love God with their whole hearts, souls, strength and minds, keeping.

4.1.1. The First Commandment pray adore God worship

4.1.2. The Second Commandment call on God’s name when praying

4.1.3. The Third Commandment join in the celebrations of the Mass as best they can

4.2. Love their neighbour as themselves.

4.2.1. The Fourth Commandment obey their parents obey those in whose care their parents place them (their teacher)

4.2.2. The Fifth Commandment look after their body’s needs eat healthy foods care for the health of others

4.2.3. The Sixth Commandment love everyone regardless of differences treat people of the opposite gender with dignity

4.2.4. The Seventh Commandment respect the property of others take care of things they own

4.2.5. The Eighth Commandment tell the truth always

4.2.6. The Ninth Commandment be friendly to everyone at school

4.2.7. The Tenth Commandment be satisfied with their share