1. The Third Voyage
1.1. The prearrangement
1.1.1. Columbus returned to Spain, he met with the Catholic Kinks and was confirmed in all his positions and benefits stipulated in the capitulations of Santa Fe.
1.1.2. This time the kings became more involved in the organization of the third trip to the New World imposing a series of conditions and requirements to lend their support
1.2. The route
1.2.1. route
1.3. They departed on May 30th,1498 from Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz) with 6 ships and 226 crew members.
1.3.1. 3 caravels sailed directly to the Spanish island with provisions for their rushed colonists
1.3.2. The other 3, in which Columbus was traveling, continued south to the Cabo Verde islands to travel from there in a straight line crossing the ocean under the line of the Equator According to a Mallorcan scientist in the areas where the rays of the sun rays fall perpendicular there are many natural riches.
1.4. Discovery of South America and rebellions on the Hispaniola island
1.4.1. They reached Trinidad Island on July 31th Discovered the mouth of the Orinoco River and touched for the first time continental land in the northern part of present-day Venezuela
1.4.2. On August 20th they arrived at the newly founded city of Santo Domingo They found that the island was in a state of rebellion Not only of the natives but also of the Spanish settlers (who felt swindled by Columbus when they saw that neither gold could be easily taken nor the Indians were docile) Several riots, most important: the rebellion of the Mayor of Hispaniola, Francisco Roldán Raised more than 300 Spaniards and fled to the west side of the island The admiral finally had to negotiate with the rebels and accept their terms.
1.5. All these facts had arrived in Castile, the Catholic Kings had no choice but to send a judge to investigate exactly what was happening in the Indies.
1.6. In the year 1500 arrived in Santo Domingo the juez Francisco de Bobadilla who took the governorship of the viceroyalty and captured the brothers Colón.
1.6.1. They were sent to Castilla in a caravel under serious charges.
2. The Fourth Voyage
2.1. The prearrangement
2.1.1. The Catholic Kings revised the agreements and took away many privileges from the navigator. He no longer had the exclusivity of trips to the New World, other sailors could already be competitors in search of new discoveries.
2.1.2. Columbus should continue to look for the step towards Asia and organized this expedition whose objective would be to sail the entire Caribbean coast of Central America trying to cross this unexpected obstacle in the form of a continent. And finally reach its longed-for end: India
2.2. The route
2.2.1. route
2.3. Departed from Cadiz on May 9th,1502 to the Canary Islands
2.4. On June 15th they arrived in the Small Antilles and from there they went to Santo Domingo
2.5. In Honduras on August 1th for the first time occurred a contact between Europeans and Mayans
2.6. Discovering Central America
2.6.1. Along the Caribbean coast of Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama, arriving at the Belen River They founded the first Spanish city on the American continent: Santa María de Belén
2.6.2. They reached the lands of Veragua that already belonged to the sailor Alonso de Ojeda They stayed for a whole year until after several rebellions of the Spaniards They escaped to the Hispaniola island
2.7. On November 7th he sailed back to Sanlúcar and found that Queen Isabella, his main supporter, had made her will and was dying.
3. The First Voyage
3.1. The route
3.1.1. route The ships Niña, Pinta and Santa María
3.2. Departed from Palos de la Frontera (Spain) on August 3th ,1492
3.2.1. They sailed southward to the Canary Islands, off the northwest African mainland, rather than sailing due west to the islands of the Azores.
3.2.2. The westerlies prevailing in the Azores had defeated previous attempts to sail to the west, but in the Canaries the three ships could pick up the northeast trade winds.
3.3. After a month in the Canaries the ships set out from San Sebastián de la Gomera on September 6th.
3.4. On October 7th, they left the 24th parallel that they had followed and would have taken them to the Florida peninsula and headed southwest toward the Bahamas.
3.5. On October 12, the ships made landfall—not in Asia, as Columbus assumed, but on one of the Bahamian islands.
3.5.1. That was when Columbus said on October 11th that he saw a little light and when dawn came, it was Rodrigo de Triana who gave the land notice. It was the first documented time that a European had seen American lands, the Discovery of America.
3.6. For months, Columbus sailed from island to island in what we now know as the Caribbean.
3.6.1. In March 1493, leaving 40 men behind in a makeshift settlement on Hispaniola (present-day Haiti and the Dominican Republic), he returned to Spain.
4. The Second Voyage
4.1. The prearrangement
4.1.1. Cristopher Columbus was called by the Catholic Monarchs to explain the details of the expedition and the successes obtained. Columbus appeared before them with several Taino Indians, parrots, a little gold, pearls, indigenous craftsmanship and many promises of many riches and new discoveries. The Catholic Monarchs quickly put the legal machinery in place to legitimise these discoveries for granted Castile these territories and ordered Columbus to begin the preparations of the second journey to colonize these territories.
4.2. The route
4.2.1. route
4.3. They departed on September 25th,1493 from the city of Cádiz towards the Canary Islands where they arrived on October 5th
4.3.1. Colonization and Christian evangelization were openly included this time in the plans, and a group of friars shipped with him.
4.4. On November 2th at the island of Dominica in the Small Antilles
4.5. After sighting the Virgin Islands, it entered Samaná Bay in Hispaniola on November 23.
4.6. Disaster in the Fuerte Navidad
4.6.1. An expedition to Navidad was shocked to find the stockade destroyed and the men dead. The Caribbean natives had attacked and killed them.
4.6.2. On November 27th
4.7. La Isabela
4.7.1. More fortified places were rapidly built, including a city, founded on January 2 and named La Isabela for the queen. The city was officially founded on January 6th,1494 with a mass officiated by Brother Bernardo Buyl.
4.7.2. = First Spanish colony in the New World
4.8. Columbus left his brother Diego at the head of the Hispaniola island and he left from La Isabela with 96 men and 3 caravels in a northeastern direction to search for the Asian continent.
4.8.1. They sailed on the south of the island of Cuba, discovered the island of Jamaica.
4.9. Toured the south of the Hispaniola island making a stopover on Saona Island and landed in Puerto Rico
4.9.1. Due to a disease of the admiral he decided to return to Isabela without having found Asia or even some obvious vestiges of any Eastern civilization.