1. Brand Attributes
2. Change narrative from stray/cur/pariah to INDIE
3. move from Nacheez to Kya Cheez from unwanted to loved , even aspirational
4. National Indie Dog Day
5. Appeal to & Integrate patriotic element. Hum Indian, Hamara Indie
6. Why
6.1. Indie Dog Day doesn't exist. So why not?
6.2. Increase awareness
6.3. Brand Indie Dogs
6.4. Create Indie Branding Opps
6.5. Pride in Indie Ownership
6.6. Direct public attention
6.7. Reduce Cruelty, ensure better protection
6.8. give a face to an ignored species
6.9. Increase ownership as pets & community dogs
7. When
7.1. Apply to organisations who book days
7.1.1. National Day Calendar
7.1.2. National Day Archives
7.2. Align with significant date
7.2.1. Shirdi Sai Baba Birthday?
7.2.2. Supreme Court Culling Judgment Nov 10 2015
7.2.3. Setting up of PCA Act?
7.3. It must be a meaningful yearly date
8. Where
8.1. Online Social Media
8.2. Print (Special Editions & Family papers)
8.3. Specific Animal /Dog Focused publications Dodo etc
8.4. Website set up indiedogday.com and indiedogday.in
8.5. Create hashtags #IndieDogDay n others
8.6. Vet Clinics
8.7. Govt Veterinary Hospitals & Animal Husbandry Centers
8.8. MoEfCC
8.9. Pet Stores, Boarding Centers etc
9. What
9.1. Create /decide name with savvy marketing folks- IndieDog Day
9.2. Build brand
9.3. Cobrand with other groups/days
9.4. Test it
9.5. Create website, build links, content , info & statistics
9.6. License Hashtag, trademark etc
9.7. Create Indie Collateral
9.8. Create metrics
9.9. Showcase statistics
9.10. Celebrity Endorsers
9.10.1. Test the strong, healthy sturdy Indie as a value proposition
9.11. Create linkages
9.11.1. Tie up with WWF, Animal Experts , BBMP
9.12. Use sites like The Global Indie
9.12.1. shows value Indies have abroad
9.12.2. how indians take Indies with them
10. Moving from Polyester to Khadi Moving from Pedigree to Indie Moving from Global to Desi Moving from Unka to Hamara
11. Test the idea
11.1. Name IndieDog or Indie Dawg
11.2. Logo
11.2.1. Get an agency involved
11.2.2. Have a contest
11.3. Goal /Mission Statement
12. Indies are the New Cool!
13. Breeders
14. Set up a change.org petition
14.1. Publicise
14.2. Garner buy in and promote
15. Government & Bureaucracy
15.1. MLAs etc
15.1.1. Councillors
15.2. Local Civic Bodies
16. How
16.1. Fix the Day
16.2. Get buy in , Write to Authorities
16.2.1. Google/Yahoo
16.2.2. AWBI
16.2.3. MOeFCC
16.2.4. Animal Husbandry
16.2.5. Vet Council of India
16.3. Announce Events
16.3.1. IndieDogathon
16.3.2. IndieParents
16.3.3. Designers to Collar/Leashes for Indies
16.3.4. Small Support Groups
16.4. World Dog Associations
16.4.1. Wildlife Association
16.5. Indian Dog Associations or NGOs
16.5.1. FIAPO
16.5.2. HSI Subtly link up how uncool our preoccupation with caste jaati and pedigree is linked.
16.5.3. PETA
16.5.4. CUPA
16.5.5. PFA
16.6. Announce Contests for
16.6.1. Best Stories
16.6.2. Best Photos
16.6.3. Content
16.6.4. Best Pictures
16.6.5. Best Loved Streeties
16.7. Announce Events
16.7.1. Indie Fashion Show
16.7.2. Indie Support Groups
16.7.3. Dogathon
16.7.4. Indie Fashion Show
16.8. Influence Films, Ad films, Textbooks, Stockpictures to use more Indie , less breeds
16.9. People Sensitisation
16.10. Find ways to incentivize Change of narrative to Indie NOT stray/cur/pariah/ road dog
16.11. Incentivize Care Givers
17. Who
17.1. Public
17.1.1. Dog Lovers
17.1.2. Influencers
17.2. Celebrities
17.3. Professionals
17.3.1. Kennel Club of India
17.3.2. Vets
17.3.3. Pet EcoSystem Pet Stores Groomers PetCabs Dog Walkers