Malone in the lost world
da Jacob Derksen

1. Athlete
1.1. Plays pro rugby on the national team
1.2. He is good enough to score a try
1.3. we find this out through his convo with Roxton
2. Hero
2.1. This is where Malone doesn't see the fact that he is in fact heroic.
2.2. This is because he relys on the approval of others
2.3. In reality he is very heroic.
3. Driven
3.1. In this book, Malone is all of these things but one of the main things that drives him is a women back home: Gladys.
4. Inteligent
4.1. When the group wants to create a map of tehir surroundings he is the first to suggest climbing a tree
4.1.1. New node