The Banning of Abortion in Ceausescu`s Romania

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The Banning of Abortion in Ceausescu`s Romania da Mind Map: The Banning of Abortion in Ceausescu`s Romania

1. Pronatal Policy

1.1. women required by law to conceive, at minimum, at least 4 children

1.1.1. eventually women were expected to conceive 5 children

1.2. Birthrate fluctuation throughout Ceausescu`s Rigime

1.3. Law 4/1953, article 1, of the Family Code

1.3.1. "In the SRR, the state shall protect marriage and the family; it shall support the development and strengthening of the family through economic and social measures"

1.4. Quota system

1.5. Abortion became illegal

1.5.1. "Backroom abortions" took place Doctors and Mothers were held legally accountable Dangerous & unhealthy enviornments

2. Abbortion

2.1. Law 7709/1966

2.1.1. "Prohibited abortions except if the pregnancy endangered the life of the woman and no other means could be taken to save it" Further exceptions Disease Rape Woman 45 years or older Mother had already conceived and reared 4 children

2.2. Child surplus

2.2.1. Public & private adoption agencies corruption, Coercrion Romanian Mothers fell victim to Governmental policies that they had zero control over

2.2.2. adoption westerners

2.3. Women`s bodies

2.3.1. "Glorified as machines that produced the future workers of the state"

2.3.2. "celebrated in public political rhetoric, women were overwhelmed by the exigencies of daily life"

3. women

3.1. National Pride and Duty

3.1.1. Conceive as many children as possible

3.1.2. support the socialist economic labor force

3.2. Cows

3.2.1. termed in conjunction with the "farming of children

3.3. Women had a complete lack of autonomy concerning their bodies

3.4. motherhood

3.4.1. positive propoganda

3.4.2. social positive renforcement

3.4.3. awards given 10 or more children = "Heroine Mother" 9 children = "Order of Maternal Glory" 8 children = the 2nd class "Order of Maternal Glory" 7 children = the 3rd class "Order of Maternal Glory" 6 children = "Medal of Maternity" 5 children = 2nd class "Medal of Maternity"

3.4.4. Double burden of domestic/public sphere turned into a triple burden for mothers Working in the state sphere, doing housework, and raising children.

3.5. Hungarian Mothers/Children

3.5.1. Less than

3.5.2. category "other"