Advertising Agencies

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Advertising Agencies da Mind Map: Advertising Agencies

1. Departments and Functions in Advertising Agencie

1.1. Account Department

1.1.1. Account Executive Intermediary between the agency and the clien

1.1.2. Account Assistant Supports account executives in project managemen

1.2. Creative Department

1.2.1. Creative Director Oversees the creative team and ensures the work is innovativ

1.2.2. Art Director Responsible for the visual aspects of campaigns, such as graphic desig

1.2.3. Copywriter Develops written content for ads, slogans, and other creative materials

1.3. Media Department

1.3.1. Media Directo Plans and oversees media strategy

1.3.2. Media Planner Researches and selects the best channels and times to place ad

1.3.3. Media Buyer Negotiates and purchases advertising space

1.4. Strategy Department

1.4.1. Brand Strategist Develops brand strategies and positioning for clients

1.4.2. Research Analyst Conducts market research and analysi

1.5. Production Department

1.5.1. Producer Coordinates the production of ads, from pre-production to final delivery.

1.5.2. Production Coordinator Manages logistical details of production,

1.6. Finance and Administration Department

1.6.1. Accountant Handle the agency finance

1.6.2. Administrator Mangage the daily operations

1.7. Technical Support and IT

1.7.1. Technology Specialis Manages the agency’s technological infrastructur

1.7.2. Technical Suppor Assists with technical issues and system maintenanc

2. Advertising Campaign Proces

2.1. Inictial Briefing

2.1.1. Account Executive receives a briefing from the client

2.2. Research and Strategy

2.2.1. Strategy Department conducts market research and audience analysis creating a campaing.

2.3. Creative Developmen

2.3.1. Creative Directorand their team create concepts and creative material based on their strategies.

2.4. Media Planning

2.4.1. Determine where and when to place ads to effectively reach the audience.

2.5. Production

2.5.1. Organize the creation of ads, including video production, audio recording, and graphic desig.

2.6. Client Approval

2.6.1. Presents the material to the client.

2.7. Implementation and Monitorin

2.7.1. Media Buyersplace the ads according to the plan and Research Analystsmonitor the campaign's performance, making adjustments if necessary

2.8. Evaluation and Reporting

2.8.1. The Account Executiveprepares a report on the campaign results and presents it to the client, including impact analysis and results.

3. Type of advertising Agencies

3.1. Departamental

3.1.1. This agencies are structured into different specialized areas, each area is responsable for a specific function.

3.2. Group-Base

3.2.1. This agenices are part of a big conglomeraded group.

3.3. Creative Boutique

3.3.1. Is the a little agenci that focuse on creativity and innovation.

3.4. In-House

3.4.1. Are internal agencies that work with an specific company.

4. Organizational Charts of Advertising Agencies

4.1. Hierarchical

4.1.1. The classic structure where each hierarchical level has a supervisor and employees are organized in a chain of command.

4.2. Matrix

4.2.1. Combines functional and project-based structures, allowing employees to report to both a functional manager and a project manager

4.3. Team-Based

4.3.1. A more flexible structure based on multidisciplinary teams working together on specific projects. This type of chart promotes collaboration and agility

4.4. Flat Organizationl

4.4.1. Minimizes hierarchical levels and fosters a flatter structure, where employees have more autonomy and responsibility.