PHY112 Sum '10 Jessi Moe

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PHY112 Sum '10 Jessi Moe da Mind Map: PHY112 Sum '10 Jessi Moe

1. Competencies

1.1. Effectively communicate qualitative and quantitative information orally and in writing.

1.1.1. 6/1/10 Participated in reflective discussion on a Wiki based upon viewing YouTube videos, "A Vision of Students Today" and "Shift Happens"

1.1.2. 6/2/10 Created biography glog and animoto video

1.1.3. 6/3/10 Observed and commented on various videos, participated in Wiki discussions on the nature of science, and engaged in email conversations on electricity concepts

1.1.4. 6/17/10 Through the construction of a multimedia technological glog for project one, I was able to demonstrate the data I collected from my coil gun experiments, researched information on the physics behind the flash of a camera, and reflections on things that didn't go as hoped for throughout the course of project.

1.1.5. 6/23/10 Through nearly five hours of research and writing, I have compiled three paragraphs in support of the 2012 theory and three paragraphs in opposition to the theory, which I have posted on the class wiki.

1.1.6. 6/22/10 I participated in a thirty minute Skype interview with David in order to discuss questions I had in regards to assignments from the first three weeks of class.

1.1.7. 7/8/10 After nearly five hours of research and composing, I completed my additions to the second controversy wiki on global warming. I learned that there actually are two scientifically supported sides to the theory of global warming.

1.1.8. 7/11/10 Through organized, well prepared communication I interviewed a dentist on his use of the Cadent iTero digital imaging system, in preparation for the completion of project 3.

1.1.9. 7/20/10 Through both oral and written communication, I constructed a comprehensive video chronicling projects completed and lessons learned throughout the course of Physics 112, as a final interview project.

1.1.10. 7/21/10 Through both oral communication, an interview, and written communication, email, and multimedia communication, lesson video, I have participated in my group's completion of Project 3, modern physics.

1.2. Explain the application of fundamental physical principles to various physical phenomena.

1.2.1. 6/7/10 By listening to the pentcast and performing the sticky tape experiment, I explored and grasped foundational concepts in electricity, charges, forces, and fields.

1.2.2. 6/17/10 Lenz's Law explains the reason movement of metal across a magnet slows the metal's movement. It is the result of an induced electric current, which acts as a break on the metal object.

1.2.3. 6/24/10 After both Skyping and listening to the Screencast, I understand the application of Lenz's Law in regards to the flash coil gun. As a result of a change in a magnetic field in the presence of a conductor, a voltage is produced in the conductor that causes a current to flow in that conductor, which in turn causes a magnetic field in that conductor, that opposes the charge.

1.2.4. 7/7/10 In my exploration of the Physics 2000 website, some EMR principles became more clearly understood. For instance, electromagnetic radiation can travel through empty space, unlike other types of waves. In addition, I understand that a force field is a way to picture the effects that electric charges have on one another. I also realized that each element has its own unique spectral signature (created by electrons jumping from one energy level to another).

1.2.5. 7/13/10 This week's exploration of nuclear physics began with contrasting atomic physics, which focuses mainly on the properties of atoms due to their electron configurations, versus nuclear physics, which focuses upon the construction and reactions involving the nucleus.

1.3. Apply appropriate problem-solving techniques to practical and meaningful problems using graphical, mathematical, and written modeling tools.

1.3.1. 6/10/10 In less than an hour, I was able to complete the LoggerPro tutorial on video analysis and save a screen capture of the graph in which I produced.

1.3.2. 6/13/10 By researching on the internet and seeking assistance from Lowe's employees, I was able to solve the dilemma of how to construct various series and parallel circuits using batteries, flashlight lightbulbs, and insulated copper wiring. (15 hours)

1.3.3. 6/15/10 Through research and trial-and-error problem solving strategies, I was able to construct a working flash coil gun.

1.3.4. 6/23/10 Through nearly six hours of research, video watching, and writing I was able to construct three, resource cited paragraphs in support of and three paragraphs in opposition to the theory that the world will end in 2012.

1.3.5. 7/2/10 In the adventure to construct a fully functioning refracting telescope, I encountered multiple problems, and through both research and trial-and-error was able to solve them in order to successfully construct the telescope.

1.4. Work effectively in collaborative groups.

1.4.1. 6/20/10 Throughout the course of project one, constructing a flash coil gun, I worked in conjunction with my assigned group members to distribute tasks, construct a timeline, and create a technological glog.

1.4.2. 7/2/10 Project two provided the opportunity to collaborate with a team member in order to construct a telescope and perform research on various topics, culminating in the creation of a multi-media technological glog.

1.4.3. 7/14/10 I worked collaboratively with team members to complete research, an interview, an informative, video lesson on the application of modern physics as is seen in the Cadent iTero System, as well as an accompanying study guide and quiz, throughout the course of project 3.

2. Outline

2.1. Linear Motion

2.2. Non-linear Motion

2.3. Forces and Momentum

2.3.1. 6/8/10 As a result of one of the four varying types of forces, nuclear, electrons, containing quarks, are not pulled into the nucleus. Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation can be used to determine the force between electrons and protons within an atom. (2 hours)

2.3.2. 6/8/10 The force of attraction, caused by oppositely charged objects, and repulsion, caused by two like charged objects, were seen in the sticky tape experiment. (2 hours)

2.3.3. 6/9/10 Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation and Coloumb's Law involving the gravitational constant (G) and the electrostatic constant (K) aid in explaining the effects of the opposing forces of protons and electrons in an atom. (2 hours)

2.4. Work, Energy Storage and Transfer

2.4.1. 6/13/10 After nearly 15 hours spent over the course of two days, I understand the construction and function of a series circuit in comparison to a parallel circuit, with respect to voltage compatibility and the flow of electrons.

2.4.2. 6/15/10 Two hours of reading and re-reading the "How Stuff Works" article, gaining understanding in the functions and interrelatedness of the components involved in making a flash, guided my decision in the model I will use in making my flash coil gun.

2.4.3. 6/17/10 After nearly 30 hours of research and experimenting, I was able to construct a working flash coil gun, which demonstrated the flow of electrons through the flash circuit of a disposable camera, with the help of the voltage boosting oscillator and energy storing capacitor, in order to project a metal BB out of a tube.

2.4.4. 6/24/10 After six hours of research and creating, I constructed a visual mind map, using Mindmeister, of interrelated concepts with regards to EMR.

2.4.5. 6/22/10 After several hours of researching and observing classmates' week four Neat Videos, in alignment with our week's study of electromagnetic radiation, I discovered a fascinating video, which presented possible health effects, which may be experienced as a result of EMR via WiFi.

2.4.6. 7/12/10 This week's research on fission and fusion helped me to understand that fission, according to the Einstein Relationship, can yield high amounts of energy due to break-up of atoms such as, Uranium. Fusion, on the other hand, yields large amounts of energy as a result of combining light nuclei.

2.4.7. 7/12/10 This week's multiple hours of research on nuclear radiation also led to an understanding that an atom of a radioactive isotope will spontaneously decay into another element through alpha decay, the loss of an alpha particle, beta decay, the loss of a beta electron and an antineutrino, or a gamma ray.

2.5. Properties of Matter

2.5.1. 6/30/10 In researching the Lens Maker’s Equation I learned that this equation is used to determine if a lens will behave like a converging (convex) lens, having a positive focal length, or a diverging (concave) lens, having a negative focal length, by relating the focal length of a simple lens with the spherical curvature of its two faces.

2.5.2. 7/1/10 After a couple of hours experimenting with the ray simulation model and researching Lens Maker's Equation, I discovered that a lens refracts lights in order that the rays will come together at a point, produce an image, and move in parallel lines.

2.5.3. 6/29/10 In my several hours of research in preparation for project two, constructing a refracting telescope, I learned electromagnetic waves are produced by the motion of electrically charged particles.

2.5.4. 7/2/10 In the many hours I spent researching, collecting supplies, and constructing in order to complete project 2, I realized that the image seen when looking through a telescope, is created inside the focal length of the eyepiece, which allows for a magnified, virtual image the eye is able to see.

2.5.5. 7/6/ 10 After exploring the Physics 2000 website for several hours, I was reminded of various concepts with regards to decay. I didn’t remember that when nuclei split, radiation is the product. I also remembered that beta decay is the loss of an electron, alpha decay is the loss of 2 protons and 2 neutrons, and gamma ray are produced by the loss of a photon.