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Energy da Mind Map: Energy

1. Nuclear

1.1. Energy that is stored in the Nuclui of atoms

1.2. Energy Stored in atom

1.3. Nuclear bombs

1.4. Nuclear radation

2. Kinetic

2.1. the energy an object has do to its motion

2.2. someone pushing a box

2.3. energy in motion

2.4. a car on the highway

3. Thermal

3.1. The total potential and kinetic energy related to motion.

3.2. Total Energy in objects

3.3. Molten Metal

3.4. Hot coals

4. Chemical

4.1. energy stored in chemical bonds

4.2. Energy stored in an objects chemical make up

4.3. Food

4.4. Plants

5. Potential energy

5.1. Bow and arrow

5.2. a ball on the top of a slope

5.3. the energy an object has due to its position

6. Electrical energy

6.1. caused by moving elctrical charges

6.2. powerlines

6.3. lightning

7. Mechanical energy

7.1. gears

7.2. engines

7.3. energy associated with objects and an objects position