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Multi-Genre Writing da Mind Map: Multi-Genre Writing

1. Genres

1.1. Haiku

1.2. Free Verse

1.3. Short anectdotes

1.4. Dialogues

1.4.1. New node

1.5. Want Ads

1.6. Songs

1.7. Drawings

1.8. Character sketches

1.9. Narrative scenes

1.9.1. New node

1.9.2. New node

1.10. Current events

1.10.1. Stimulates thinking and writing Sense of community within the world

1.11. Television

1.12. Radio

2. Gather facts

2.1. Ask questions

2.2. Have a discussion in small groups

2.3. Talk about it to the class

3. Whole classroom brainstorming

3.1. Peer-conferencing

4. Integrates imagination with learning

5. Students can choose a genre that they are comfortable with

6. Encourages

6.1. Critical thinking

6.2. Opinions

6.3. Knowledge about others within the classroom

7. New node