Canada from 1867 to 1900 (opening the West)

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Canada from 1867 to 1900 (opening the West) da Mind Map: Canada from 1867 to 1900 (opening the West)

1. Building the CPR

1.1. opportunities to travel across Canada

1.1.1. connected east to the west

1.2. continued to expand

1.2.1. #1 transit railway

1.3. united BC after confederation

1.4. Perspectives

1.4.1. Chinese immigrants not treated well

1.4.2. First Nations land taken away for CPR

1.4.3. White people only benighted from CPR

1.5. started in 1881

1.6. ended in 1885

1.7. continued expanding for a couple of years

2. Immigration and Development in BC

2.1. Clifford Sifton

2.1.1. contributed to immigration

2.1.2. diversified BC

2.1.3. wanted farmers to come to Canada West

2.2. G Rush

2.2.1. opened for settlement

2.2.2. people came for gold rush

2.2.3. people left afterwards

2.3. Slavery

2.3.1. African slaves came to Canada

2.3.2. used for economic purpose

2.3.3. USA brought/took slaves

2.4. Chinese

2.4.1. came from China for work

2.4.2. paid very little to work

2.4.3. were taxed per person in family

2.4.4. asked to leave after building CPR

2.4.5. limited Chinese immigration

2.4.6. lots of death of Chinese

3. Contributions by Aboriginal people to Canda

3.1. First Nations

3.1.1. trying to prevent creation of Canada

3.1.2. destroyed by Canadian government

3.2. 7 treaties

3.2.1. were unfair

3.2.2. did not help the First Nations

3.2.3. only benefited government

3.2.4. First Nations were left behind or killed off

4. The Northwest Rebellion

4.1. Louis Riel

4.1.1. metis leader

4.1.2. kicked out of Red River

4.1.3. exiled to America

4.2. William Jackson

4.2.1. represented local farmers

4.2.2. helped write Metis bill of rights

4.2.3. wanted responsible gov

4.2.4. adressed

4.3. Metis group

4.3.1. lived on Red River

4.3.2. took over Fort Carlton

4.3.3. discriminated / prejudice

4.3.4. insulted "half breed"

4.4. Canadian government

4.4.1. ignored complaints

4.4.2. wanted land for 71 mil

4.4.3. $$$$$$$$$

4.4.4. had complete control

5. CPR and gold rush

5.1. Chinese/European immigration

5.1.1. Chinese were discriminated/Europeans were encouraged to come

5.2. Clifford Siftons

5.2.1. encouraged European farmers to come to Canada

5.2.2. thriving with agriculture and instustry

5.2.3. without Clifford Canada would not be as developed or as densely populated

5.3. enlarged colonies

5.4. united Canada

5.5. 2 major rivers

6. Political and Social unrest in Western Canada

6.1. government: Macdonald and Mackenzie

6.2. whiskey trade between First Nations

6.3. 7 treaties from 1871