Internet and Effective Internet Searching

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Internet and Effective Internet Searching da Mind Map: Internet and Effective Internet Searching

1. What is a web browser: A web browser is the software which you use to look at web pages.

2. How to evaluate a websites effectiveness:

3. An excellent website for children to use to find copyright images:

4. Tips for effective searching: Source: Look at the actual URL address to see where you’re going before you click on a search engine result. Use some intuition to decide whether it seems reliable. Is it from a well known site? An educational or government institution? Is it a forum or opinion site?

4.1. Purpose: Be wary of websites that are cluttered with advertisements or might be trying to sell you something.

4.1.1. Justify: When you’re modelling your research, go to some weak websites and ask students to justify whether they think the site would be useful and reliable.