Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis

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Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis da Mind Map: Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis

1. Structure

1.1. Bacilli

1.1.1. Rod-shaped

1.2. Strepto-

1.2.1. Forming chains of bacterial cells

1.3. Bacteria

1.3.1. Prokaryotic

1.4. Non spore forming

1.5. Possesses flagella

2. Movement

2.1. Flagella

2.1.1. Uses its flagella to facilitate movement

3. Cell Wall Composition

3.1. Gram positive

3.1.1. Possesses a cell wall containing a peptidoglycan layer

3.1.2. Would retain the crystal violet pigment during a Gram stain

3.2. Has a very thick cell wall

4. Function

4.1. Symbiosis

4.1.1. Lives and works well with yeast, Candida milleri Serves to help form sourdough bread 50% of sourdough taste comes from the bacterium

4.2. Lactic acid bacteria

4.2.1. Convert sugars to lactic acid via fermentation

5. Living Conditions

5.1. Can't live without maltose

5.1.1. A sugar derived from flour starch

5.1.2. C. milleri does not digest this sugar

5.2. pH

5.2.1. 3.9-6.7 (Acidic)

5.3. Acetate Concentration

5.3.1. Up to 250 mmol/liter

5.4. Acetic Acid

5.4.1. Tolerates > 160 mmol/liter

5.5. Optimum Temperature for Growth

5.5.1. 32-33 degrees Celsius