Nazi Racist Ideology
da Zana C
1. Final Solution
1.1. The final solution was to create concentration camps. Nazis's started to ship Jews living in the Ghetto, in cargo trains to camps. Here if they were fit they would work. If they weren't such as elderly and children, they were immediately killed.
2. Nuremberg Laws
2.1. Enactments laws making it easier for Nazis to recognize Jews and harder for them to escape. The Nuremberg Laws classified people with four German grandparents as kindred blood meaning they were pure and good, while people were classified as Jews if they descended from three or four Jewish grandparents. Also including if your are a cross breed
2.1.1. First steps: Striping the jewish citizens of their rights. The first law was the protection of German Blood:prohibited marriages and extra-marital intercourse between Jews
2.1.2. Others included having any Jewish store be marked and they were forbidden to display the Reich and national flag or the national colours.