Does it matter that your personal circumstances influence how seriously your knowledge is taken? ...

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Does it matter that your personal circumstances influence how seriously your knowledge is taken? (yes it matters, sometimes in a good way and sometimes in a bad way) (They are saying look into whether it does matter rather than if it matters) により Mind Map: Does it matter that your personal circumstances influence how seriously your knowledge is taken? (yes it matters, sometimes in a good way and sometimes in a bad way) (They are saying look into whether it does matter rather than if it matters)

1. Rewrite in own words

1.1. Should society judge your knowledge based on your past personal experiences?

2. Connection to AOK/Subjects

2.1. History (Optional)

2.1.1. History is the understanding of the past through the knowledge provided by sources who lived through it

2.1.2. As the famous quote states "History is written by the winners" there are major biases in it as personal experience may have a major effect. For eg: a Japanese soldiers recollection of WW2 might be completely different to that of a US soldiers

2.2. Chemistry

2.2.1. AOK: Natural Sciences

2.2.2. This is the branch of science that deals with the Physical world Subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology

2.2.3. Claim: Knowledge about the natural sciences is largely objective, hence ones personal experience should have no influence over it RLE: The scientist who invented the lithium ion battery provided the world with his knowledge in the form of that battery, but that was not influenced by his personal experiences (Talk more about how a persons circumstance effect knowledge they produce rather than the way they produce it) WOK1: Reason Framework: Methodology

2.2.4. CC: With respect to this, every piece of knowledge produced is affected by personal circumstances Look into Elon Musk

2.3. Psycholgy

2.3.1. AOK: Human Sciences

2.3.2. Human sciences are the study of the social , philosophical, biological and cultural aspects of human life

2.3.3. Claim: Knowledge regarding the human sciences largely differ from (Reword this This is because this kind of knowledge may be subject to biases based on personal circumstance RLE: The study of ones memory and thoughts cannot be the same for everyone and varies greatly based on personal circumstance as shown by Fisher in her study (Connection with the title has to be unambiguous, look into studies regarding this) WOK1: Memory Framework: Links to personal knowledge

2.3.4. CC: Even though knowledge about human sciences differs from person to person, the idea behind the knowledge stays the same RLE: Most thoughts and emotions can be linked back to the hormonal and pheromonal activity in the brain, hence having the same core principals in all humans. WOK1: Memory Framework: Links to personal knowledge

3. Rewrite through AOK perspective

3.1. Should your personal experience effect your contribution to the different AOK's?

3.2. Do you have the right to contribute knowledge to natural sciences even though it may be riddled with subjectivity?

3.3. Should history be considered accurate even though it is effected by personal biases?

4. Think about this question more in terms of the different perspectives rather than claim or counterclaim

5. Keywords

5.1. Personal circumstances

5.1.1. One's personal circumstances are the conditions of one's life such as relationships, health, living conditions and financial stability

5.2. Influence

5.2.1. the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself.

5.3. Seriously

5.3.1. Information that is taken in a solemn or considered manner

5.4. Knowledge

5.4.1. The facts, information and skills acquired through experience or education also can be the theoretical and practical understanding of a subject

6. Keyphrases

6.1. Does it matter

6.1.1. This means whether the information has an important or a desirable effect.

6.2. Your personal circumstances

6.2.1. Your own personal history, your financials, your emotional stability and the experience that you have had in your life.

6.3. Influence how seriously

6.3.1. Whether your personal experience influences how solemnly your knowledge/information is taken and how it effects people

7. Talk about how culture may effect your knowledge. Make sure the AOK's you use