1. Before the new employee arrives
1.1. HR will send the following documents
1.1.1. employment contract
1.1.2. personell sheet
1.1.3. covering letter
1.1.4. a reply envelope
1.1.5. pension plan info
1.1.6. code of conduct
1.1.7. expenses entitlements
1.1.8. map of surrounding area
1.2. IT SUPPORT will setup
1.2.1. a domain email account
1.2.2. a laptop with requested software
1.3. IT DEVELOPMENT sets up development accounts
1.3.1. Time recording
1.3.2. Subversion source control
2. Employees first day
2.1. Assign mentor to help with:
2.1.1. meeting the employees
2.1.2. finding the coffee machine
2.1.3. use of faxing/copying eqpt finding supplies etc
2.1.4. handing out documents local office floor plan emergency procedures checklist
2.1.5. identifying tech support numbers
2.1.6. scheduling meeting rooms
2.1.7. office/building/area tour
2.1.8. parking arrangements
2.2. Roll out the welcome wagon
2.2.1. lunch with the team
2.2.2. meet the boss
2.3. HR will require
2.3.1. employee to organise a criminal record check
2.4. Will they need to access the building at odd hours?
2.4.1. sign a key release form