What is Web 2.0?

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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What is Web 2.0? により Mind Map: What is Web 2.0?

1. What are the tools

1.1. Wiki

1.1.1. WikiWiki Web

1.1.2. Wikipiedia

1.2. Blogs

1.3. Social media

1.3.1. Facebook

1.3.2. Twitter

1.3.3. Instagram

1.3.4. Youtube

1.4. Mash-ups

2. Problems and risks

2.1. Who has control of my ideas?

2.2. Will I meet anyone face to face again?

2.3. Risks as an organisation

2.3.1. Who has control of my data

2.3.2. Can we keep up with the changes quickly and effectivly as an organisation

2.3.3. Staff training

2.4. Who has control of my data?

3. Why 2.0

3.1. Share information

3.2. Work on a problem quickly

3.2.1. Globally Overcome different time zones

3.2.2. Develop solutions between business units

3.3. Find out more?

3.3.1. Use Cases & Templates Personal Todo List Vacation Planning Meeting Minutes Project Plan more...

3.3.2. Tools and Gadgets Offline Mode Geistesblitz Tools Email & SMS Gateways Offline Mode

3.4. Break down silos

3.4.1. Greater empoyee satisfaction and collaboration

4. What do you need?

4.1. Knowledge of how to use

4.2. Internet access

4.3. A computer

4.4. Time to learn all the different tools

4.5. Like minded people