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Basic Scala Resources により Mind Map: Basic Scala Resources

1. Training

1.1. Courses

1.1.1. Fast Track to Scala

1.1.2. Functional Programming Principles in Scala

1.1.3. Scala Courses

1.2. Coding

1.2.1. Scalatron

1.2.2. Scala Koans

1.2.3. Scala Puzzlers

2. Community

2.1. Conferences

2.1.1. ScalaDays

2.1.2. North East Scala Symposium

2.2. Social Networks

2.2.1. Meetup group

2.2.2. Facebook group

2.2.3. Twitter @odersky @typesafe

2.3. Forums

2.3.1. StackOverflow

2.3.2. Scala Tribes

2.4. Mailing lists

2.5. Podcasts

2.5.1. Scala Types

2.5.2. Scalawags

2.6. GitHub Scala projects

3. Web

3.1. General

3.1.1. Scala language web

3.1.2. Documentation page on Scala language web

3.1.3. Official Scala Documentation site

3.1.4. Typesafe

3.1.5. Functional Programming and Scala resources

3.1.6. Chris Cundill's This Week In Scala posts @ Cake Solutions Blog

3.1.7. Czech Scala Language Enthusiasts portal

3.2. Tutorials

3.2.1. A Scala Tutorial for Java Programmer

3.2.2. Scala By Example

3.2.3. A Tour of Scala

3.2.4. Twitter's Scala School

4. Books

4.1. Programming Scala

4.2. Scala for the Impatient

4.3. Programming in Scala

4.4. Scala in Depth

4.5. Functional Programming in Scala

4.6. Scala in Action

4.7. Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure