IronOps. We make webapps...

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または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録
IronOps. We make webapps... により Mind Map: IronOps. We make webapps...

1. Easier - Make Sure it's working

1.1. Health Checks

1.2. Full Coverag - every request

1.3. Real User Monitoring

1.4. Alerts

2. Easier - Diagnose problems

2.1. Filter/Search

2.2. Trace Request e2e

2.3. Agrigate logs with requests

2.4. Visual Display

2.5. Compare Averages/Trends/Previous state

3. Easier - Fix

3.1. Isolate Server for testing

3.2. Dynamic config chagnes

3.3. Pre/Post Filters

3.4. Change routing/endpoints

3.5. Stage and Validate changes

4. Easier - Plan / Optimise

4.1. Dark Trafic

4.2. Tune

4.3. Capacity Testing

4.4. Metrics

4.5. load testings

5. Easier - Understand

5.1. Visual dashboard of system

5.2. real-time performance metrics

5.3. Business transactions and reporting

5.4. Historic / Detailed metrics

6. more reliable - security

6.1. threat detection

6.2. XSS prevention

6.3. SQL injection

6.4. DOS attack mitigation

7. More Reliable - outboud

7.1. Circuit Breaker

7.2. Smart Retries

7.3. Bulkhed

7.4. Load Balancing

7.5. Advanced Routing

7.6. Fallbacks

8. More Reliable - inboud

8.1. Throttling

8.2. Request/Rate Limmiting

8.3. Load-Shedding

8.4. QOS

8.5. Priority Routing

9. Performance - Resource Utilization

9.1. Route to save money on bandwith

9.2. shutdown, spinup servers based on demand

9.3. capacity planning

10. Performance - Faster

10.1. Request Caching

10.2. Request Collapsing

10.3. Performance Routing (load, io stats, rack, datacenter)

10.4. Stateless Requests

10.5. Sha-Content Caching

10.6. Write Caching (behind)

10.7. Request Clustering (using stats)

10.8. pipelining requests

11. Easier - Release and Upgrade

11.1. Zero Downtime / Zero Risk Deployemnts

11.2. Centralized Configuration

11.2.1. qa, beta, prod endpoints

11.2.2. Instant updates

11.2.3. ssl keys

11.2.4. authentication

11.2.5. network settings

11.3. Release Stats Comparisions

11.4. Validation

11.5. Version Control

11.6. service registry / disovery

12. Easier - Devlop

12.1. Web Service Templates

12.2. Security

12.2.1. OAuth /OAuth2

12.2.2. Saml

12.2.3. SQL Injection

12.2.4. CSRF

12.2.5. XSS

12.3. record / play mocks