Livets træ

"The tree of life" er en kompleks og svær kategoriserbar oversigt over alle levende og halvlevende organismer på jorden. Alle der vil være med kan skrive til og så kan vi sammen udvide dette mindmap

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Livets træ により Mind Map: Livets træ

1. Eubacteria

1.1. Aquificae (hypeflhermophilic chemolthoautotrophs)

1.2. Thermotogae (hypefthermophilic, obligately anaerobic, fermentive heterotrophs)

1.3. Thermodesulfobacteria (thermophilic, sulfate-reducing bacteria)

1.4. Chrysiogenetes (a chemolthoautotrophic bacterium)

1.5. Ntrospira (includes ntrte-oxidizers, thermophilic sulfate reducers, and acidophilic iron oxidizers)

1.6. Deferribacteres (a group of aquatic, anaerobic bacteria)

1.7. Chloroflexi (green nonsulfur bacteria)

1.8. Thermomicrobia (hypefthermophilic chemoheterotrophs)

1.9. Fibrobacteres (cellulose digesting, anaerobic rumen bacteria)

1.10. Proteobacteria (purple bacteria and relatives)

1.11. Planctomycetes (bacteria wth peptidoglycan-less cell walls and budding reproduction)

1.12. Chlamydiae (obligate intracellular parastes of eukaryotic cells)

1.13. Spirochaetes (spiral-shaped chemoheterotrophs)

1.14. Bacteroidetes (a diverse group including pathogens, commensals, and free-living bacteria)

1.15. Chlorobi (green sulfur bacteria)

1.16. Actinobacteria (high G+C Gram postives)

1.17. Deinococcus-Thermus (a group of extremophiles)

1.18. Cyanobacteria (oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria and chloroplasts)

1.19. Firmicutes (Iow G+C Gram postives)

1.20. Fusobacteria (anaerobic heterotrophs, many involved in human infections)

1.21. Verrucomicrobia (terrestrial, aquatic, some associated wth eukaryotic hosts)

1.22. Acidobacteria (acidophilic bacteria common in soils)

1.23. Dictyoglomi (thermophilic chemoorganotrophs)

1.24. Gemmatimonadetes (Gram-negative bacteria lacking DAP in their cell envelopes)

2. Eukaryoter

2.1. Unikonts

2.1.1. Opisthokonts Animals Choanoflagellates Filasterea Ichthyosporea

2.1.2. Fungi

2.1.3. Nucleariidae

2.1.4. Amoebozoa

2.2. Chromalveolates

2.3. Excavates

3. Archaea

4. Virusser?