4) Event Process Flow

Pre-Event Promotion --> Event Management --> Post-event Followup

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4) Event Process Flow により Mind Map: 4) Event Process Flow

1. Inside Lacrosse and Social Media Exposure (Constant)

1.1. Promo Video.

1.2. Heavy social media presence

1.3. Social Media to individual pro player

1.3.1. Thanks for Testimonial

2. 1. Pre-Registration Promotion

2.1. 1. 4-weeks before Initial Promotional Email BLAST

2.1.1. 2. 4-weeks before Initial Email to Coaches [Team Hierarchy Incentive] More personal (Invite players to join event under coaches hierarchy). 3. Secondary Email to Players (Additional Features, more personal )

2.2. 4. Final Email - TAP INCENTIVE and Instagram Tweet, "Find out what MLL star you are most like"! Athete Type

2.2.1. Tweet results at Mll star. They wii re-tweet to there friends

3. 2. Pre-Event Registration

3.1. 1. Testiominial Intro games.3xlacrosse.com

3.2. 2. Register Process

3.2.1. If Coach send link, under his team hierarchy.

3.3. 3. Complete your Profile... tweet results to friends

3.4. 4. Create 3x Teams and personal leagues, invite friends

4. 3. Event Management

4.1. At Event, talk to parent and kids about importance of testing, what they can do to improve.

5. 4. Post-Event Operations

5.1. 1. Thank you email:(personal results

5.2. 2. Leaderboard

5.3. 3. Share event pictures (2 weeks after)