登録は簡単!. 無料です
または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録
P1618336 により Mind Map: P1618336


1.1. enemy A.I. for movement, attack and action present

2. sound(ALL LEVELS)

2.1. BGM

2.2. all enemy sound fx assets

2.3. all chara sound fx assets

3. level layout(ALL LEVELS)

3.1. enemy placement in level

3.2. collectables placement in lvl

3.3. obstacle placement in lvl

3.4. all placement to be balanced to provide progressive difficulty

3.5. intro to new mechanics depending on lvl

3.6. thematic consistency for lvl design, enemy design and environmental design

4. visual assets (ALL LEVELS)

4.1. enemy assets

4.2. chara assets

4.3. obstacle assets

4.4. BG layer 1 graphical assets to enable scrolling

4.5. BG layer 2 graphical assets to enable scrolling

4.6. gameplay lvl ground graphics to enable scrolling

4.7. gameplay platform graphics to enable scrolling


5.1. LVL 1 (tutorial)

5.1.1. movement instructions movement keys icons

5.1.2. action/attack key instructions action/attack keys icons

5.1.3. objective instructions all instructions and key icons contrast against all BGs all instructions are positioned to capture player attention but do not obstruct gameplay 2 fonts or less to be used

5.1.4. lvl layout intro to new mechanics (basic gameplay for lvl1)

5.2. LVL 2

5.2.1. new mechanic and objective instructions instructions contrast against all BGs, capture player attention and do not obstruct gameplay 2 fonts or lesser to be used

5.2.2. lvl design intro to base mechanic expansion with new mechanics

5.2.3. difficulty increase slightly

5.3. LVL 3

5.3.1. see LVL 2, but different game mechanic added in place of lvl2's, with difficultly increase from lvl2's base difficulty


6.1. darken gameplay screen when pause screen is activated

6.2. PAUSE caption

6.2.1. pause caption can be clearly seen

6.2.2. positioned at point of focus using rules of third

6.2.3. occupies at least 1/6 of screen

6.2.4. contrasts from BG

6.3. instructions to unpause below caption with unpause key


7.1. screen transition animation plays once gameover conditions are met ingame

7.2. GAME OVER caption

7.2.1. positioned at point of focus (rules of thirds), occupies at least 1/5 of screen and contrasts against BG

7.3. Restart lvl button - neutral state true (icon 10) (mouse over and hit state false) -mouse over true (alt10 icon 1 + sfx 1) (neutral and hit state false) -hit state true (alt10 icon 2 + sfx 2) (neutral and mouse over state false)

7.4. Back to title button - neutral state true (icon 11) (mouse over and hit state false) -mouse over true (alt11 icon 1 + sfx 1) (neutral and hit state false) -hit state true (alt11 icon 2 + sfx 2) (neutral and mouse over state false)

7.5. all buttons are clearly seen

7.6. BG graphics

7.7. game over BGM (no loop)

7.8. exit screen transition animation plays when choice is made by player


8.1. screen transition animation plays when victory conditions are met ingame

8.2. VICTORY caption

8.2.1. positioned at point of focus (rules of thirds), occupies at least 1/5 of screen and contrasts against BG

8.3. Next level button  - neutral state true (icon 12) (mouse over and hit state false) -mouse over true (alt12 icon 1 + sfx 1) (neutral and hit state false) -hit state true (alt12 icon 2 + sfx 2) (neutral and mouse over state false)

8.3.1. can be clearly seen

8.4. BG graphics

8.5. Score display

8.5.1. contrasts against BG

8.6. Collectables display

8.6.1. contrasts against BG

8.7. victory BGM


9.1. Studio logo animation - 5 secs long - contrasts well against BG colour - enable skip button for animation Neutral state true (mouse over state false) Mouse over state true (neutral false)


10.1. enter screen transition animation effect after intro screen

10.2. game logo graphic after transition screen

10.2.1. position at point of focus (rules of third)

10.2.2. occupies at least one quarter of screen

10.2.3. contrasts from BG

10.3. all buttons clear against BG graphic

10.4. Start game button - Neutral state true (icon1)(mouse over&hit state false) - Mouse over true (alt icon 1 + sfx 1) (neutral&hit state false)  - Hit state true (alternate icon 2 + sfx 2 in animation) (neutral and mouse over false)

10.5. Options button -neutral true (icon 2) (mouse over and hit state false) -mouse over true (alt2 icon 1 + sfx 1) (neutral and hit state false) -hit state true (alt2 icon 2 + sfx 2) (neutral and mouse over state false)

10.6. Credits button - neutral state true (icon 3) (mouse over and hit state false) -mouse over true (alt3 icon 1 + sfx 1) (neutral and hit state false) -hit state true (alt3 icon 2 + sfx 2) (neutral and mouse over state false)

10.6.1. CREDITS SCREEN enter screen transition effect after hit state in previous screem names, roles, source credit display in text scroll back button - neutral state true (icon 4) (mouse over and hit state false) -mouse over true (alt4 icon 1 + sfx 1) (neutral and hit state false) -hit state true (alt4 icon 2 + sfx 2) (neutral and mouse over state false) clearly seen positioned at lower left of the screen BG graphics BGM Exit screen transition animation after text scroll ends

10.7. Copyright statement

10.8. BG graphics / BGM1 for title screen

10.9. Exit screen - screen transition animation plays


11.1. HP bar (icon 5)

11.1.1. if chara is hit, play HP decrease feedback animation for bar with gameplay (HP increase/neutral false), as well as chara damage number display with animation contrast against all in-game BGs height is 1/5 of screen width is 1/3 of screen

11.1.2. if chara is healed/ picks up HP up item, play HP increase feedback animation for bar with gameplay (HP decrease/neutral false), as well as healing SFX with chara heal animation

11.2. MP/SKILL bar (icon 6&7)

11.2.1. if chara uses special attack, play MP decrease feedback animation for bar with gameplay (MP increase/neutral false) contrast against all in-game BGs height is 1/5 of screen width is 1/3 of screen

11.2.2. if chara picks up MP recovery item/ healed for MP, play MP increase feedback animation for bar with gameplay (MP decrease/neutral false)

11.2.3. if chara obtains new skill/ switches current active skill to alt. skill, play icon switch animation

11.3. Character emotion icon

11.3.1. if chara is hit, change to hurt emotion sprite for duration of attack before changing back to neutral

11.3.2. if chara is low on health, remain at hurt emotion sprite until healed

11.3.3. if chara is unhurt, remain at neutral emotion sprite

11.3.4. if chara is healed, change to happy emotion sprite for duration of heal before changing back to neutral

11.4. Score display

11.4.1. update alongside gameplay contrast against all in-game BGs

11.5. Money credits display (icon 8)

11.5.1. display and update along with gameplay contrast against all in-game BGs

11.6. collectables display (icon 9)

11.6.1. if chara obtains collectable, play obtain collectables feedback animation and collectable collect SFX (neutral sprite state/ emotion icon false) contrast against all in-game BGs

11.7. general layout

11.7.1. in reference to rules of third/golden ratio in consideration of reading order (HPabove/MPbelow, score, money, collectables from left to right)


12.1. all chara movement corresponds to correct keys

12.2. chara sprite is always centralised in middle column and along lower line in rules of thirds, allowing sufficient sace to see enemies/obstacles

12.3. at stage start, play start stage animation

12.4. if chara is idle, play idle state animation (all other states false)

12.5. if chara is moving, play walk animation and walking sfx and related special fx (all other states false)

12.6. if chara if jumping, play jump animation and jump sfx/ voice clip (all other states false)

12.7. if chara is falling, play fall animation and fall sfx and fall special fx (all other states false)

12.8. if chara is out of HP, play dying animation and sfx (all other states false)

12.9. if chara is hit by enemy, play damage animation and damage sfx as HP decreases according to the damage figure when hit, leaving chara invincible for 3 secs, causing invincibility animation to play

12.10. if chara is healed, play healing animation and healing sfx

12.11. if chara has been afflicted by status aliment by enemy, play status effect state animation and switch to status effect state sprite (all other states false)

12.12. if chara attacks, play chara attacking animation and attack sfx and attack special fx if chara hits enemy, play attack hit sfx and decrease enemy HP accordingly if chara misses, hit sfx does not play and enemy if not damaged (all other chara states false)

12.13. if chara is jumping and attacking, play air attack animation and air attack sfx and air attack special fx

12.14. collectables graphics if chara picks up collectable, play collectables state animation and special fx/ sfx  that looks attractive


13.1. if enemy is idle, play enemy idle animation with idle state (all other enemy state false)

13.2. if enemy is moving, play enemy walk animation, with walk state true (all other enemy state false)

13.3. if enemy is jumping, play enemy jump animation, with enemy jump state true   (all other enemy state false)

13.4. if enemy is falling, play enemy fall animation, with enemy fall state true  (all other enemy state false)

13.5. if enemy is damaged, play enemy damage animation and chara attack hit enemy sfx, with enemy damage state true (all other enemy state false) , displaying damage total over sprite and decreasing enemy HP accordingly

13.6. if enemy is out of HP, play enemy dying animation, with enemy dying state true (all other enemy state false), thus said enemy is cleared from map

13.7. if enemy is afflicted with status affect, play enemy status effect animation, with enemy status effect state true (all other enemy state false)

13.8. if enemy is attacking, play enemy attack animation with attack sfx, enemy attack state true if enemy hits chara, play enemy hit chara sfx