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Main ideas により Mind Map: Main ideas

1. Advertising nonprofit

1.1. professional advertising

1.2. Industrial Advertising

1.3. Brand Advertising

1.4. Local retail advertising or

1.5. Advertising nonprofit

2. Talking about products

2.1. this rate is plastic

2.2. This is glass baso

2.3. this chain is gold

3. the ps

3.1. Product

3.1.1. concept: This is what we want to sell, be a service, an intangible asset or unproducto with physical values. The product should have great oavances quality superior to competitive innovation; aquídebemos look at everything from production processes, eldiseño the product, its taste (if food), their manufacture and sucalidad to packaging. The latter should be a reflection of the calidadque offer with a professional and appropriate or appealing to consumers who want to capture elpúblico design.

3.2. Precio

3.2.1. concpt: is the monetary value that is assigned to something. All products and services offered on the market have a price, which is the money the buyer or customer must pay for the deal.

3.3. Promocion

3.3.1. Concept: is a variable mix of promotion (advertising), it consists of short-term incentives to consumers.

3.4. plaza

3.4.1. concepto: This refers to places where we sell our product and distribution loscanales. A more sites where the consumidorpueda find what we offer, the more sales. Very little nosservirá have a high quality product and price, when esdifícil find. For the people it is very annoying to have desires deadquirir a product of difficult access. If, for example, produce yvendemos a delicious coffee liqueur and tomarseuna someone wants to drink, that someone will buy it finds másfácilmente, which is a good price, is of good quality and lellame attention. If not in our shelf, entoncesperderemos a client.